Explain how BLK has had so many successful projects:
1. POS - revolutionary! still cutting edge, cloned all over
2. POS 2.0!!! - revolutionary, copied (Crave, SDC adopt, etc)
3. Halo!!! - first smart contracts, multi-sig. Gamechanger. It works!
4. Stealth wallet Obsidian
5. BLK Foundation - first coin foundation after BTC, still helps coin
6. Coinkite - you can pay BLK for food, law or dental in podunk Nebraska
7. PR firm MBA - got the name out, intro many to coin and POS
8. Blackbits - pay with BLK where BTC accepted
9. No pre-mine launch, fair distribution model copied
10. Mobile wallets - yes we have them
11. Music videos - fun, got the name out
12. Blackhedge - altcoin centric trading blackhedge.co
13. Blackcoin Multipool! - first multipool, revolutionary, blackcoinpool.com
14. Blackcoinsound.com
15. freeblackcoingames.nuuleap.com
*I left some out so add them.
And how about all the ongoing active dev projects :
1. POS 3.0 - Rat4 working alot on something these days
2. Halo!!! now with cold staking
3. NightTrader! markets for smart contracts, templates, huge
4. Project Legoinnaire - yes still going, stealth wallet was start
5. Onyx - payment gateway
6. Bits - geolocal storefronts, quorum sensing for protests!
7. Blackcoinj
8. BLKshares
9. Obsidian Cyptovault Technologies projects
10. Legion Development projects
*Add what I left out.
Most successful part of BLK: community! Thats the answer. BLK = revolutionary coin and continues to lead = created great community
This is a great time to be here. Remember, celebrate, use whats already been done! Look forward to whats coming!
cmon.. so... this post was upvoted by 23 people..................................... great ?
Remember guys...
if "Music Video", Coinkite, multipool, PR Firm, mobile wallet that don't stake not on stores with not so professional interface, blackcoinfeed/forum, etc are some successful projects, with hardly 10 people using them at most
THEN, that says it all why some people still think blackcoin is a successful coin
PLUS. Your overall communication is shitty as hell.
You just waited for someone critisizing your projects...
to make a list them all "on a reddit page" with some shitty bullet list....
lol. PR at it's best..... go back and make some shitty songs.. right
Instead of that, You'll see community international PR Business Management Director
coming on reddit and ask "What should we improve ? I really don't have a f***ing clue!,
but we should raise money, and donate to ourselves..."
Oh, and for those who are constantly repeating that
"You should contribute instead of complaining"
Do you honestly think people will invest their time without
gauging validity first ? Well, well, well....
To conclude, srsly.... do I still sound like a "troll" or maybe an idiot, as so many zealous members, especially StupidPal, love to call me... lol
go buy a brain.. Braincoin.