That's for you to decide, of course.
It requires a minimal of intelligence, but mostly just average common sense. If you lack both, you shouldn't even bother.
Because I take anonymous claims on a forum in an effort to reek vigilante justice with skepticism I lack common sense? Maybe add some extra adhoms to your argument, it seems to be working.
What clearly is "working" the price is the recently uncovered scam by Zimbeck the Turd and his connection with this project.
It doesn't put money in my pocket if you "get" THE WALL OF SHAME of if you do or don't have common sense, that's your problem.
As for ad hominens, I insist in using them properly and only when warranted: Hence, Zimbeck the Turd. For personal release, regardless of it they work or not. I believe FACTS "work". Ad hominens? nah...