Radar Relay: We’re due to be added to the Beta in the near future. Once we know more, we’ll be sure to let you know.
Binance: The community vote is over and congratulations to Stratis for winning with an incredible 69,372 votes. That is about 7 times the total number of wallets that hold CAT, though our efforts were not futile. Our application to be listed on Binance is still ongoing, the vote was simply a way to be listed without requiring the compliance fee. Once again, we’ll update you when we know more.
Cryptopia: We’ve paid the listing fee and are in talks with them about a solution regarding the duplicate use of the CAT ticker (since they already list CatCoin as CAT).
Hi BlockCAT, Liqui has better volume than Cryptopia.
How about Bittrex? This should have been your first move / to get listed on Bittrex.
Small exchanges will not bring new investors / Do your best to get this on Bittrex.