Blue project is like Bear market and Red Candles.This project might be built by few techies and they are mostly active on social media and they know how to use social media but this project is not getting much attention from any investor because they know this project is just a joke.If this project has potential,there are plenty of investors who want to pour money into crypto. BLUE was on Coinmarketcap for almost 4 moths.We all know how this crypto works.
1. BTC rises Fast>>> Alts Fall fast but Blue Down
2. BTC fall Fast >>> Alts Fall more faster but Blue is dead
3. BTC goes sides ways>>>Alts will be on steriods but But Blue cant get up as already dead man.
I really wish Blue to over come all these clouds and get a clear route to moon before its goes underground(buried).
Lets says there some good projects and bad projects in Crypto who started same time as Blue,why other are doing super good but why not BLUE? is it good or bad??Why it is unable to get listed on any other exchange?
Let me guess, you are only watching BLUE (mainly for the price) since a couple of weeks? You still need to learn a lot about crypto market, that is why it better not make big statements like your project is a joke statment as you are still learning and apparently don't know much yet, BLUE already has investors and you missed the whole start of the project and the road towards now, only checking the price for the last weeks doesn't say a lot. I suggest you do more research about the market and then check your plans. I believe BLUE will bounce back in the end as they are very young (from Oct. 2017). It is not easy to start up a project like this, even for companies with 100+ people it is hard to finalize such big steps. Patience is key in this market, if you want a pump/dump project for possible fast profit > you can check for alternative high risk projects.