Some major updates are coming soon:
1. Blue SDK will be released, most probably in the end of the August 2018
2. Blue team is collecting donations and their target is 2-3 BTC so they can enlist Blue in good exchanges.
These 2 good news will pump the price certainly. And if we can get listed in major exchange, Blue may go above $2 again in next 1 or 2 months
Ya the SDK will be huge, I am really excited to see how it works and the mechanics behind it
I am pretty excited to hear the latest update from admin through telegram channel. And according to admin, next major update will take place on August 21. hopefully SDK will be released on that occasion. It is not a pump and dump token. Great team, skilled members, wonderful project with high potential, blue will be one of the great project in 2018/2019. I am trying to accumulate as much as I can.
Ya the update should be a good one, I cant believe its almost been a year since the project was started. Have the said how much more BTC they need to raise for the next exchange? Or if there has been any progress made in the donations?