So how do you explain this? It's literally irrefutable evidence of Craig Wright committing criminal rebate fraud by claiming to have funded business transactions with millions of dollars of bitcoin that were not his or anything to do with him.
Go verify it yourself if you don't want to believe me. It's all there for you to see.
Remember how you are all idolized CZ. The same applied to Sam Bankman Fried in past. Justin Sun?
Why you all love all these scammers?
No, I don't remember, because it never happened. Do please point out anywhere I have ever written lovingly about CZ, SBF or any of the other people you're trying to deflect the conversation to be about instead of Craig's proven criminal rebate fraud.
Seriously, how do you think that is even anything close to a reasonable response to the question I asked you?
Again, please explain the evidence which IRREFUTABLY PROVES that Craig Wright committed serious criminal rebate fraud before he fled Australia with the Feds looking for him?