I was just debating which coin to point my equihash rigs at tonight. I thought BTCP sounded interesting but this thread is SO full of FUD I think I might just head over to Komodo, or Zencash.
Honestly - what is the point of BTCP? There are so many coins out there now with bitcoin in their name, and so many privacy coins - is there anything to make BTCP stand out at all? Or any reason to think it has any promise? I could mine/buy Komodo, Zcoin, Deeponion, even Dash if I wanted privacy, right? And who wants another bitcoin named coin... bitcoin cash, bitcoin gold, bitcoinz & bitcoin private - getting a bit cliche no?
In it's present state, not much reason to invest time/money/hash to this coin. But, if they ever get a clue and bring someone on with some business sense and get rid of CryptoJake and Rett, it could do fairly well.
It's really amazing that they have failed so hard. It took some real arrogance and stupidity. They had some good tech (z-snarks, upcoming segwit/lightening/bip9 etc...), they had a very large percentage of the crypto world watching and following closely, they had millions of dollars for listing, a team of devs, and they still completely screwed the pooch and manage to just keep making enemies and getting pwnd.
So basically, it's worth watching. There is always a chance that a few devs start to get a clue and suggest a change in course. But if they keep doing the same crap they've been doing, they will keep getting the same results.