A Cannabis Coin Poker Site?
A Cannabis Coin Bingo Site?
Let me know, can have a beta running next week.
Well to be honest, for me that poker / bingo sites always looks so cheapy ( not in design but the idea ). It has nothing to do with the coin, and totally not this coin ( thats my view on this )
But if i have to make a choice, i would say bingo, this because there are millions of poker sites already.
There is already a CANN Texas Hold em site?
Please link me, and thank you for your input
For what i know there isn't. But do we need it because there are many (like millions) other poker sites?
I think the coin is doing verry good now, and only beter every day. I think we need to stick to the main course and that is to let more and more shops accept this coin for buy goods ( we already have some shops what is super great! ).
But that gambling sites for an coin i dont know, i think its nice when the coin is as good as finished to add those extra things.
Like the android wallet what is released now is good to put time in, also now for WindowsPhones and IOS.
So my point of view is to finish everything first what the main course is from this coin. And later create / put time in things as an poker / bingo site. Because i do not believe an poker/bingo site makes an coin beter / more professional.