I am joining the CannabisCoin development team and will be putting in a lot of hours to help improve and develop the coin. I have been in the crypto scene for many years now and have helped many projects in the past. My other home is Feathercoin which I launched over a year ago now and to which I am still committed. For a while now I have been in some contact with members of CannabisCoin and have heard many good things about the good work that has been going on over here. The genius in this coin is seeing what will survive in the future. Looking at historical markets new things like crypto, after they get mass market adoption, the markets will segment, Bitcoin will probably take the main stage but those who work to find their niche will survive with their own market. Cannabis is a market that Bitcoin will not openly follow into, CannabisCoin will rule this market segment and in turn secure its future. Kudos to the CannabisCoin's creators seeing the need for this sort of coin and that it is a niche that can survive through market segmentation.
Now to get to some work, my first order of business is to get a DNS seeder up and running for CannabisCoin. This is the first thing that clients connect to when firing up and from the seeder they get a list of other nodes to connect to. Once we have this in place and added to the source code new users will not have to worry about addnode details as the client will automatically connect. This is only a start to some of the work that will go into making the coin software and its network the best it can be by improving the network infrastructure and security. There are many options in front of us and the best technical direction needs to be decided once initial work has been completed.
I'm happy to be here and I hope people are happy to have me.