Just provided good value in answering a private message that asked what is coming in the future that can help raise the value of Capricoin. Thank you to the inquisitive for asking!
What development can we expect in the next month. I mean, what is the plan to make the price going up?
In September there is something launching for Capricoin that very few other coins in existence have going for it. Only two coins I can think of have this feature at this point... Bitcoin and Etheruem. I can't exactly mention now what this is, but will be revealed in September and that alone cost a quarter of a million dollars to launch.
Besides that, there are also certain advancements coming to the Coin itself that will also be announced in September.
The big news right now is that the Pay By Cash button is now functional for merchants to be paid in cash with capricoins instantly on the spot. Development is just finishing creating tutorial videos for the following new sections of the CapriPay app:
1. Send and Request
2. Find Merchants
3. Orders and Payments
4. Cash Payment
The pay by cash button is huge all by itself, in terms of how it solves the age old (since 2009) problem that has kept cryptocurrency from going mainstream faster... merchants have to hold the BTC (or now also ETH since it's a coinbase major) for a certain amount of time before being able to liquidate and be subject to the fluctuations. With CPC and CapriPay that is no longer an obstacle to growth for the cryptocurrency industry, and through the Capricoin and CapriPay app no less.
There will also be some sort of multi coin strategic alliances formed with the app, beyond including a bitcoin wallet by version 7. No announcements yet on that end, but we will be sure to bring all announcements as they become public to this forum.
CapriPay also has a very strong incentive to grow the merchant base for free members of the app, merchants and Vizionary members alike. The following image demonstrates the compensation plan effective through 2016 for growing the CapriPay network, which is completely free to access, use and share for anyone that can access it globally... this is something that people are excited to get out there and work on period.. not only does it put you in line for future residual earnings, but ultimate raises the value of the coin to expand the merchant network.. it's ingenious!
Current CapriPay merchants can be viewed both on site here:
https://www.capripay.com/en/Home/MerchantListAnd in the CapriPay app under 'Merchants' via the navigation menu