
Topic: [ANN] CarryKoin e-Commerce IEO Announcement ✔✔ - page 3. (Read 1088 times)

Activity: 88
Merit: 0
MINT is the digital currency which does not belong to anyone, decentralized, not tied to any country or geography, consumption driven for global commerce. It is created as a global currency in a new and disruptive approach to digitalise Offline to Online e-Commerce in a unique way. A Giant mine of 20 trillion MINT coins will get created (1 MINT pegged at 1 US $) with the participation of global community in the 1st ICO/ IEO of CarryKoin. The economic activities of CarryKoin will create value for MINT.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
CarryKoin will be self-sustaining within one year of its pan India rollout.

Enough revenue and profits will be generated to take it global on its own business metrics. A large part of the revenue will be reinvested in technology. Ultimately once the enabling work of global digitalization is achieved, we will be ready with the largest application of Blockchain and whole commerce will be migrated to it.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Encouraging Loyalty:

In all TV channels & National & Regional Newspapers on pan India basis an advertisement will be issued along with promotional offers/ MINT for App download. The ground team at Clusters will educate the sellers and buyers. We expect there would be 50 million App downloads in 30 days. It will further spread by word of mouth as sellers and buyers start getting used to it. Hence we develop an eco-system of dedicated consumers/merchants/cluster team/closely monitored P&L accounts/next quarter target GMVs/control over company health.

CarryKoin plans to achieve All India rollout of E-Commerce operations in the 1st year. It will be followed by replication of the model, country by country, 2nd year onwards. CarryKoin will be worth attracting trade & commerce $ 20 trillion of volume by the end of the 10th year, on full scale global operations basis. We will follow the strategy of ‘minimal exposure, maximum learning’ approach, while carrying out global rollout. We will change and tweak the strategies as per the market.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
CarryKoin is complimentary to many government priorities like -
Make in India - E-commerce providing platform to enable and support sellers, SMEs, and MSMEs. E-commerce promoting wider reach and opportunities for artists and craftsmen.

Digital India - Improved digital infrastructure, a key enabler for e-commerce. Increased visibility of sellers in tier II, III, and rural areas due to a rise in e-commerce penetration in these areas.

Startup India - Simplified process for establishment of a startup to enable more tech startups. Promote entrepreneurship in the entire e-commerce value chain. Self employment will exponentially increase.

Skill India - E-commerce to support skill development of SMEs and also train village level entrepreneurs.

Rurban (rural urban scheme)- Inclusion opportunities in the e-commerce ecosystem, creating employment opportunities in these segments. Also creating demand from rural areas.

Exports – Opportunities for millions of sellers to sell to the world through the marketplace of it. MINT is the digital currency.

Employment for all – CarryKoin creates 20 million more jobs in India by 2020, which will continue to increase further as the percentage of online shops will increase year on year.

Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Synergy with local Government Schemes

CarryKoin creates following patterns in India and globally -

•   Employability for people with basic/no formal qualification
•   Opportunities for skilled jobs
•   Empowering women
•   Change agent for sellers, craftsmen, and artisans from smaller towns
•   Reaching interiors of the nation
•   A catalyst to facilitate entrepreneurship
•   Logistics - the largest contributor to the e-commerce employment
•   E-commerce - becoming a newer focus for IT/ITeS
•   E-tail promoting growth of sellers, merchants, and SMEs
•   Promoting employment for other industries (like payment wallets and advertisers, real estate, services such as housekeeping, catering, and security, transportation such as cab services, flight services) 
•   Creating opportunities for artisans and craftsmen
•   Employment generation in the interiors of the nation
•   Return of enterprise talent - E-commerce triggering the brain gain (start ups)
•   Empowering the people with disabilities

Activity: 88
Merit: 0

CarryKoin is the market place of all commerce, shop of all shops. CarryKoin recognizes that the Online commerce in India is just 3.5 % of the total retail and globally just 10 % of the total retail. It also recognizes that the present discounting model is flawed and self-inflicting. Since the present online percentage is so low, the damage due to wrong business model can be arrested by a bigger all-encompassing model of CarryKoin’s rollout – Increase the basket of online sellers by speedily converting all offline retail (do it for me) to online. At the same time, maintain such a large scale of rollout (1st year, all India rollout – cluster based and 2nd year onwards global rollout – replica of cluster based) that the present e-tailers with their inherent defective business model are circumvented and they also come under the umbrella of CarryKoin.

We are looking at $ 20 trillion of global commerce by 2028, which will take e-commerce from present 3 % to 30 % of world GDP – a complete game changer. It is too big to dream and too big to fail.

The unprecedented growth in e-commerce due to CarryKoin has the highest potential of employment generation. It has the potential to create 20 million more jobs in India by 2020 and 200 million more jobs globally by 2028.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0

CarryKoin has the potential to completely change the Indian and world demography. CarryKoin is the 2nd important profession (after farming) which creates inclusive growth. While there has been several plans to have inclusive growth of villages, small towns along with cities, they have failed miserably due to the single factor ‘income’ which has been steadily decreasing at the farmlands leading to movement of people to cities, congesting it and creating all-round unhappy society.

Rural clusters lack market in real sense. Farmers constitute the majority of the rural area. Farm produce do not fetch the right value to the primary producers in the absence of a market. Rural clusters will address this social malaise and replicate the success of farming globally. We expect five fold rise in the farm incomes, thereby influencing the socio-economic fabric of the nation for a more balanced development.
Consider the irony while the farmers sell potato at Rs 1 per kilo, the end users in cities are buying that at Rs 10 per kilo. There is price jump of 10 times, which is distributed among the middlemen, millers, contractors, cooperatives controlled by politicians, all working as a syndicate system. This syndicate has nothing to do with actual production and pockets 90 % of the money, while 10 % is left with the primary producers.

Farmers are not able to have profitable return causing severe distress. 70 % of Indian population are engaged in farming and are desperate for someone to establish an efficient market for them, where the primary producers will be able to get at least 60 % of money, which the end users are willing to pay.

CarryKoin will address this social problem and make farming profitable. Rural clusters will be the sourcing and inspection arm for large vegetable grocers like Reliance retail and Mandies. Pan India rolling orders for year long will be picked up on CarryKoin platform on a B2B basis. Clusters will execute the orders based on their inventory and shelf life of the farm produce. Farmers will sell potatoes at Rs 6 per kilo to CarryKoin cluster buyer, while the end user continues to pay Rs 10 per kilo. The balance 4 rupees will be split between CarryKoin and the buyers (wholesalers to retailers) on B2B contract. Everyone makes money.

The inefficient syndicate system and Middlemen will vanish. The money which was lost to them will now come to farmers. Farming will become a profitable proposition as the market for the produce is ensured by CarryKoin. As this system matures throughout the country, CarryKoin will encourage local village heads to take care of the sales, while it will focus on other value propositions on the platform and earn revenue.
CarryKoin brings income to small sellers at villages and small cities by giving them a shop in the online market place and opening the world market to sell. Gradually, PURA (providing urban amenities at rural areas) will come since income will be with the farmers. Real time growth of equity is shared among its citizens and society evolves equally. We are seeing fundamental correction worldwide through CarryKoin, where inclusivity will exponentially grow. 

No organisation has a right to exist if it does not address the urgent needs of the society. CarryKoin will start with this social endeavor and will put forth solutions of different social malaise throughout its existence.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Social Impact of the new E-commerce model:

Just like Google does not differentiate between the query on Mercedes and mineral water, this will not differentiate between the orders of Armani suites and Sweets from villages, this is a life changing juggernaut which will convert huge population of non-consumers to consumers, seamlessly advancing trade across all models, anywhere to anywhere, through an app converged on the smart mobile in your palm. It will be the power of digitization in real sense, people interacting with a digital highway through their smart phones, value unleashing in unimaginable scale to realize ONE WORLD MARKET.

E-Commerce has brought about many changes in business organizations across all verticals and has had significant impacts on the quality of life that is experienced by individuals or even indirectly as members of society. At CarryKoin, the house-hold men & women, home talents, special talents who are not able to start commercially, will get an opportunity to showcase their art, talents, abilities and make a living for them. They will get a portal to reach to targeted customers, across all geographies with a complete business offering. The rural sector will be connected within itself and with urban India on a business front. The showcase of products will not be a problem for any talent/business anymore, anywhere. All this will be available at a fraction of a cost. All sections of society across all ages will get a platform to reach out to its locality and further reach to any potential clients across India/World.

In India, where opportunities are not provided pro-actively to girls & women; will get a platform where they get to show any talent/offering they have across deep rural India. They will also be accessible to valuable products to avail and move forward their businesses/talents. Deep rural India will be connected any part of the world. Good government schemes, bio-metrics reach, citizenship schemes, etc can be leveraged to all parts of India and the world for seamless trade, opportunities to rural youth and social uplift bringing a better civilization going forward.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
having the goal of turning offline stores into online for global is very difficult, I think that in the local area it is already very difficult, and in my opinion the purpose of this project is less reasonable to embrace investors

This is to Thank You for your comments. We agree execution model will be challenging. However, the timing is right. ‘Do it for me’ is the crying status of local offline retail, who wants someone to do it for them. The enabling environment is the penetration of smart phones which is globally crossing 50 %. Hence, we are confident. We will do it.

CarryKoin contributes to people’s happiness. It focusses on information technology to bring revolutionary changes into people’s life.

The ICO community has always partnered with people who have big ideas and weren’t afraid to take risk and bring those ideas to life.

The India foray of e-Commerce is an evolving story, where CarryKoin presents the solution to its goal of digitalizing and bringing the world commerce on one blockchain platform.

The top companies touching the lives of people are – (Data is old)
Softbank – 36 years of operation, presence in 17 countries, market cap of $ 90 billion
Google - 19 years of operation, presence in 40 countries, market cap of $ 750 billion.
Wal-Mart - 55 years of operation, presence in 27 countries, market cap of $ 300 billion.
Amazon - 23 years of operation, presence in 16 countries, market cap is $ 700 billion.
Alibaba- 18 years of operation, presence in 11 countries, market cap of $ 480 billion.

In Indian market,  Flipkart is sold to Wal-Mart, fresh investments done in Paytm, which is co-owned by Alibaba. However, both Flipkart and competitor Amazon work on a faulty business model of discounting.

The world awaits an interesting story, which is unfolding among the above companies. Google and Wal-Mart have robust business models, but they are threatened by inconsistent models of Amazon and Alibaba. Both Amazon and Alibaba are e-Tailers who deconstruct the value of products and services by discounting model. Both are in their explosive growth trajectory and are eying the same customer cutting down the revenue stream of Google and Wal-Mart. Indian player Flipkart (along with Snapdeal) plays the same losing game of discounting model. We see that it will continue to lose its net worth.

Wal-Mart is the largest retailer of the world. Its format stores are struggling and it is finding it hard to grow. Digital is the way, but inconsistent business models of Amazon and Alibaba does not suit it. They are the largest internet retailers of the world and are giving it tough competition category by category. Further, competition has picked up with Amazon acquiring Whole Foods. Its revenue stream is quickly growing and it is earning from all means. Google is the largest technology company of the world, whose website is most visited. 90% of the revenue stream of Google is advertisements, very innovative cost per click (CPC) models, major markets being US (45%), UK (10%) and Balance from rest of the world. Amazon is looking at sponsored advertisements and looking at 20% of the gross advertisement revenue in another 5 years’ time. They desperately need this to offset the bleeding discounting model of their online retail. So there is bound to be loss of market share and shrinking operating margin for Google from present 30%. Google is therefore looking at the next big thing. It is, however, investing heavily into non-core areas, which will take it into lower networth.

While the above four companies slug it out in destroying each other’s value, CarryKoin  will construct the largest marketplace by digitizing global retail from 10% to 100 %. Eventually Amazon and Alibaba will operate under its umbrella. Wal-Mart will have exponential B2B growth in this market expansion.

CarryKoin will give the biggest push to technology by having a unique platform, which will control all commerce. All aspects of reaching out and entertaining customer will be on this platform. CarryKoin thus gives a natural extension of Google’s existing business, for which Google will be desperate to partner it.

CarryKoin is thus placed in an envious position, where all major companies of today will like to have strategic ownership. CarryKoin can qualify as one of the top three brands of the world by 2028 and can create or extend brand lives for many more years giving society its due.

Activity: 88
Merit: 0
1. Visa: 24,000 transactions

Well, may be 24k in high peak. But as I know average is 7k TPS in Visa. But this is far from millions as you said before. Can you explaine how do you van arhieve millions TPS while no one dont have so many TPS?

Thank You for your comments. We can give the directions as of now -

Requirement - Volume of trade is a game changer with CarryKoin

Global B2C e-commerce is touching around $ 3 trillion and this is projected to grow to $ 4 trillion by 2020. But the present e-commerce is just 10 % of the total retail sales worldwide. Balance 90 % is offline. CarryKoin is targeting to convert all the off line retail stores to on line digital stores and provide a market place for around $ 20 trillion of end to end trade through CarryKoin. This will take the e-commerce volume from the present 3 % of world GDP to 30 % of world GDP. This is the level of Game Changer we are looking at with CarryKoin.

Market Capitalization of CarryKoin      : 100 Trillion US Dollars
Volume of business per annum         : 5 Trillion US Dollars
Number of trades per day            : 20 million
Number of employees globally         : 70000

Approximate Traction in India for understanding – Transactions ( 400 million per day), Live Shop Portals (1 million), Live Apps (300 million), Validators (3000), Ledger for accounting incentive Minto for 600 million users, Real Time (Invoice Generation & Transaction Settlement, Tracking,  Inventory Management, Management Reporting and Business Intelligence on operation at regional/cluster level on daily/ weekly/ monthly /yearly basis, Traffic Analysis, Customer Choice/ Preference/Demography Analysis, Slow/Fast Movement of Inventory Analysis, Customer Loyalty analysis, Promotions and Advertisement & Hits Analysis), Allied Services (Gaming, App Development & Hosting & Downloads, Messenger Service, Database Management System & Storage).

Same will be replicated country by country globally in 7 years of time. Likely to be 8X times of traction in India.

And once the enabling environment of digitalisation of more than 50 % is achieved, we plan to migrate all commerce to a new age blockchain.


Work in Process - So far we have worked upon the consensus mechanism to reduce the time taken for transactions to settle. Hyperledger, Stellar and Ripple are using new consensus mechanisms (such as proof-of-stake) aimed at accelerating this process. The developers have used effective templates, Sharding/ Dappchains/Interoperability/ Network advancement to address TPS. SegWit and Lightning Network are promising solutions to these problems. SegWit by separating signature and transactional data reduces the “weight” of transactions. Lightning Network enables
transactions to happen “off chain” the end result added to the blockchain later. A lot of altcoins are promising surprisingly massive tx/s but these numbers are not proven yet. Most of these altcoins operate at lightning speed in the lab but significantly worse in the real world.

Looking ahead - We believe that the problem of scalability comes packaged with present blockchains, therefore, one cannot simply increase scalability by changing parameters in the blockchain. So a new look is needed to create the new age blockchains, which can do millions of transaction per second, take less computing power and less storage. We are confident that we will have the best of team and investments to work on it and give results in 7 years time. Parallely, we will be creating the enabling environment of digitalisation of retail from present 10 % upwards. Without this massive digitalisation, the eco system will not be complete for new age blockchains.
sr. member
Activity: 2226
Merit: 344
having the goal of turning offline stores into online for global is very difficult, I think that in the local area it is already very difficult, and in my opinion the purpose of this project is less reasonable to embrace investors
Activity: 840
Merit: 10
ZooomEx- a new cryptocurrency exchange!
1. Visa: 24,000 transactions

Well, may be 24k in high peak. But as I know average is 7k TPS in Visa. But this is far from millions as you said before. Can you explaine how do you van arhieve millions TPS while no one dont have so many TPS?
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Millions of transactions per second? This looks another one empty promises... As for now no one project does not have so many TPS. As I know max is around 10k TPS per second.

Thank You Very Much for your response.

Traditional centralised database systems like Visa/ Master cards can process millions of transaction per second.

The decentralised Blockchain applications are limited by low transaction speed (around 10 per second for Bitcoin), high computing power and high storage requirements.

A lot of promising breakthrough is there to harness. We are aiming to invest 20 % of our e-Commerce revenue per annum to address this limitation. We  expect to come out with new age blockchain applications in 7 years time having all the pluses of a decentralised blockchain application and also matching the positives of traditional centralised databases in terms of high transactions per second, low storage and low computing requirement.

Team CarryKoin

Are you sure in this? Visa has just around 7k TPS. I dont know where do you got this numbers. As for now no one of the blcokchain projects does not have so many TPS. This was just empty promises.

Thank You for your comments.

We have looked up and stand corrected. Thank You.

The capacity of Visa is at 70000 TPS. An article in 2018 claimed to observe the following data -


The blockchain scalability issue is there. There is race to reach Visa like transaction speed.

CarryKoin will be  investing in new age database, which can reach capacity of 1000000 transactions per second.

We foresee a future, where all commerce can migrate to a blockchain database system. That will be gigantic and need this level of capability.

Team CarryKoin

Will wait how far you will achieve with your developments. It is good to see that you aim to surpass the current Visa's capacity. But actual implementation is another thing. Usually, that's where most projects failed, the actual realization of their project. They can give overwhelming promises but when it comes to actual output, there will be thousands of reasons why they can't achieve their deliverables.

100 % AGREED. Thank You.

The enabling pillar of execution is E-commerce - Conversion of Offline retail to Online, from present 10 % to 100 % Digital.

Buyers get local shops, whole country and the world shops in their hand held smart phones. Sellers get their merchandise digitized and uploaded through the CarryKoin market place for servicing buyers in their local clusters/pan country and world consumers.

The value accretion is huge. The primary producers get the maximum money per unit of sale, Non consumers become consumers and the whole Off-line retail becomes On-line.

Core Execution Model has the concept of clusters -The world population is divided into Strategic Business Units (SBUs) known as CLUSTERS.

A dedicated team of CarryKoin will manage one cluster for rolling out E-Commerce services in the shortest possible time, getting the shops on line, micro managing the merchants’ stock update in real time, monitoring the traction (customer order booking to delivery), visiting customers in its cluster for feedback. Cluster by cluster the model is replicated to cover the urban areas, the rural areas, the whole country and the whole world.

The loyalty incentives through Minto reward points hedged with MINT crypto currency will unlease unimaginable eco system and speed of spread. For the buyer, the whole world market place collapses into his palm. For the Seller, the whole world becomes the customer base he can service.

While this execution model unfolds and digitalisation spreads, it also enables earnings/ revenue whose major portion is invested into developing the new age blockchain having million transactions per second, low computing and low storage requirements.

We need the new blockchain application to integrate the global commerce
sr. member
Activity: 1988
Merit: 275
Millions of transactions per second? This looks another one empty promises... As for now no one project does not have so many TPS. As I know max is around 10k TPS per second.

Thank You Very Much for your response.

Traditional centralised database systems like Visa/ Master cards can process millions of transaction per second.

The decentralised Blockchain applications are limited by low transaction speed (around 10 per second for Bitcoin), high computing power and high storage requirements.

A lot of promising breakthrough is there to harness. We are aiming to invest 20 % of our e-Commerce revenue per annum to address this limitation. We  expect to come out with new age blockchain applications in 7 years time having all the pluses of a decentralised blockchain application and also matching the positives of traditional centralised databases in terms of high transactions per second, low storage and low computing requirement.

Team CarryKoin

Are you sure in this? Visa has just around 7k TPS. I dont know where do you got this numbers. As for now no one of the blcokchain projects does not have so many TPS. This was just empty promises.

Thank You for your comments.

We have looked up and stand corrected. Thank You.

The capacity of Visa is at 70000 TPS. An article in 2018 claimed to observe the following data -


The blockchain scalability issue is there. There is race to reach Visa like transaction speed.

CarryKoin will be  investing in new age database, which can reach capacity of 1000000 transactions per second.

We foresee a future, where all commerce can migrate to a blockchain database system. That will be gigantic and need this level of capability.

Team CarryKoin

Will wait how far you will achieve with your developments. It is good to see that you aim to surpass the current Visa's capacity. But actual implementation is another thing. Usually, that's where most projects failed, the actual realization of their project. They can give overwhelming promises but when it comes to actual output, there will be thousands of reasons why they can't achieve their deliverables.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Millions of transactions per second? This looks another one empty promises... As for now no one project does not have so many TPS. As I know max is around 10k TPS per second.

Thank You Very Much for your response.

Traditional centralised database systems like Visa/ Master cards can process millions of transaction per second.

The decentralised Blockchain applications are limited by low transaction speed (around 10 per second for Bitcoin), high computing power and high storage requirements.

A lot of promising breakthrough is there to harness. We are aiming to invest 20 % of our e-Commerce revenue per annum to address this limitation. We  expect to come out with new age blockchain applications in 7 years time having all the pluses of a decentralised blockchain application and also matching the positives of traditional centralised databases in terms of high transactions per second, low storage and low computing requirement.

Team CarryKoin

Are you sure in this? Visa has just around 7k TPS. I dont know where do you got this numbers. As for now no one of the blcokchain projects does not have so many TPS. This was just empty promises.

Thank You for your comments.

We have looked up and stand corrected. Thank You.

The capacity of Visa is at 70000 TPS. An article in 2018 claimed to observe the following data -

1. Visa: 24,000 transactions

2. Ripple: 1,500 transactions

3. PayPal: 193 transactions

4. Bitcoin Cash: 60 transactions

5. Litecoin: 56 transactions

6. Dash: 48 transactions

7. Ethereum: 20 transactions

8. Bitcoin: 7 transactions

The blockchain scalability issue is there. There is race to reach Visa like transaction speed.

CarryKoin will be  investing in new age database, which can reach capacity of 1000000 transactions per second.

We foresee a future, where all commerce can migrate to a blockchain database system. That will be gigantic and need this level of capability.

Team CarryKoin
Activity: 840
Merit: 10
ZooomEx- a new cryptocurrency exchange!
Millions of transactions per second? This looks another one empty promises... As for now no one project does not have so many TPS. As I know max is around 10k TPS per second.

Thank You Very Much for your response.

Traditional centralised database systems like Visa/ Master cards can process millions of transaction per second.

The decentralised Blockchain applications are limited by low transaction speed (around 10 per second for Bitcoin), high computing power and high storage requirements.

A lot of promising breakthrough is there to harness. We are aiming to invest 20 % of our e-Commerce revenue per annum to address this limitation. We  expect to come out with new age blockchain applications in 7 years time having all the pluses of a decentralised blockchain application and also matching the positives of traditional centralised databases in terms of high transactions per second, low storage and low computing requirement.

Team CarryKoin

Are you sure in this? Visa has just around 7k TPS. I dont know where do you got this numbers. As for now no one of the blcokchain projects does not have so many TPS. This was just empty promises.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
12) Augmented reality (AR) will be a strong driver for online and physical retail -We think that going forward, augmented reality (AR) rather than virtual reality (VR) will have the greatest impact on the retail experience. AR has the ability to blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds and with it the boundaries between online and in-store shopping. AR will give online customers an in-store experience, addressing the fit-and-feel issue that can deter consumers from making online purchases, particularly in apparel. For example, AR will allow consumers to virtually try on clothes and jewelry. This could significantly help lower returns on products that do not fit one’s body or personal space, such as clothes and home furnishings.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
11) Hyper-connectivity will create new dynamics in retail -By 2028, consumers will be living in a hyper-connected, high-speed world where the Internet of Things (IoT) and machine-to-machine (M2M) connections will make retail more efficient and effective. Connected retail display cabinets and smart product tags will be common place, enabling retailers to track demand and report on stock levels in real time, which in turn will improve supply chain effectiveness. M2M will play out in adjacent sectors that will impact retail. For example, connected driverless cars with built-in GPS and video screens supporting streamed content could become an important marketing platform for brands and retailers. Connected appliances in smart homes could also become part of the retail equation, and Amazon is already exploring the opportunities with its Dash Replenishment Service (DRS) allowing consumers to make their own purchases.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
10) Context is king with Digital assistant - Moving from a 2-D to 3-D customer perspective. There will bemore digital services, platforms and devices than ever before, capable of generating data insights, including social media and messaging apps, location-based services, and online and mobile payments. On the devices front, smartphones, tablets and connected TVs will be joined by wearable, medical appliances, connected cars and multiple embedded touchpoints in smart homes and cities. There will also be a rise in business models that leverage predictive analytics to take product. Another element of the curetted shopping experience will be the emergence of the next generation of digital assistants. Today’s digital assistants, in the form of Siri, Cortana and Google, are just the beginning, and going forward, digital assistants will become far more sophisticated, applying the cognitive power of artificial intelligence to e-commerce.
Activity: 88
Merit: 0
Millions of transactions per second? This looks another one empty promises... As for now no one project does not have so many TPS. As I know max is around 10k TPS per second.

Thank You Very Much for your response.

Traditional centralised database systems like Visa/ Master cards can process millions of transaction per second.

The decentralised Blockchain applications are limited by low transaction speed (around 10 per second for Bitcoin), high computing power and high storage requirements.

A lot of promising breakthrough is there to harness. We are aiming to invest 20 % of our e-Commerce revenue per annum to address this limitation. We  expect to come out with new age blockchain applications in 7 years time having all the pluses of a decentralised blockchain application and also matching the positives of traditional centralised databases in terms of high transactions per second, low storage and low computing requirement.

Team CarryKoin
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