Sorry, my English not Good i'm from India - But I want to report about fraud from Developers of a coin - They don't keep promises feed with promises and postponed repeatedly the date which specified
Patience has burst!!
25.03 they promised to make payment on Advertizing Bounty company!! before there were other terms also nobody has received anything There is no information still!
If they Don't keep the promises, then from what they will keep other promises on developments in Roadmap? - Be careful upon purchase of coins on the exchanges, perhaps Swindlers - as don't satisfy a condition
This subject will be Closed - When all people receive the coins! If to 26.03.2017 if promises aren't kept or not to appear any information, to leave the corresponding comment in Trust a profile Chronobank developer of this coin, and also to unsubscribe on Twitter and FB.
You shouldn't deceive bitcointalk community! You have ordered Advertising from people forum? - have raised money from this Advertising? - be so kind as pay in time!
In opposite a case you will be the Corresponding reputation! in Trust btt community and Social networks!
PS: Devs - Pay people the you Kopeks!