Anon Encrypted Messaging
EM White-paper: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10793660/wp.pdfEM Wallet Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTjp6e7RDZo(another video will be uploaded likely tomorrow going in greater detail)
Target Release Date: Thursday, June 12th
***Sneak-peak Update***
(posted earlier today)
Here is a
basic breakdown of how Cinni's anon Encrypted Messaging feature will work (An in-depth explanation will be provided later tonight with release of the white paper):
Cinnicoin Encrypted Messaging Details:
Basic Method: - The Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange method is used to share a secret key between the sender and receiver.
- The sender generates the secret key using a newly generated random private key and the recipient's public key.
- The payload is encrypted using AES-256-CBC with the first 32 bytes of the SHA512 hash of the secret key.
- If not sending anonymously the sender's address and compact signature are included in the payload.
- The encrypted payload and the public key of the newly generated keypair are sent to the recipient. The recipient generates the same secret key with their private key that matches the public key used by the sender and the public key included in the message.
- The payload is decrypted using the hashed secret key.
- The encrypted messages are stored on the filesytem in buckets by time and distributed to all nodes.
- It is not possible to tell the sender or receiver of the message from the encrypted message without having the private key of the recipient. [1]
- The messages are stored for 48 hours and are then deleted.
- Each node checks every message received from the network against all the addresses it owns. If a match is found a copy of the encrypted message is stored in the node's inbox database.
Additional Features: - When not sending anonymously the sender's compact signature not only verifies that the message came from the owner of the address, but also enables the public key to be recovered allowing the recipient to reply even if the sender's address has no public key in the blockchain.
- Incoming transaction blocks are scanned for public keys.
(Again, this is just a basic explanation of what is already implemented in the wallet to be released this week. A screen-cap video that demos & explains Cinni's EM feature will be released shortly alongside the WP)
***Dev Team Announcement***
I would like to make another announcement (and this is something that I am personally excited about!):
As you all know, several weeks ago we hired a team of professional coders to work alongside cinnidev to help accelerate the development of our EM system + other features. The lead coder of that team goes by the alias, Rynomster (on bct/irc). However, it has been such a pleasure to work with Rynomster, and he personally has been so thrilled at the innovation CinniCoin is accomplishing, that he has expressed desire to increase his involvement & commitment to CinniCoin.
So, without further adieu, I would like to welcome a new addition to the Cinni Dev team -- Rynomster! Let us all give him a warm welcome to the team!
A little info about Rynomster:- Rynomster is the lead coder who has been developing not only our anon EM system, but also our anon transfer system + mobile platforms.
Professional Experience: - Over 7 years experience in the IT industry ranging from system/database administrator to web/analyst/mobile developer. He is passionate about Web & Mobile Development.
- Experience in the financial industry as an R&D developer.
Highly Qualified In:- OpenEdge DBA
- OpenEdge Advanced DBA
- SonicMQ
- SonicESB
- Progress Actional
- Perl
(Also, I want to remind people that alongside the EM wallet released this week, we have been developing a mobile wallet that will have all the features implemented in PC/desktop wallets (EM and anon EM). The mobile wallet will be released very soon after this Thursdays release.)Thanks! This is fantastic news! I just loaded up on a ton of CINNI. There's a reason I have so much in this coin. Can't wait until Thursday!