As promised, the encrypted messaging update will be released within ten to fourteen days. Included in this release is a one of a kind robust encrypted messaging system that is a first in crypto-currency. This system is a framework or protocol within the wallet that allows applications to be built upon it as needed by users. The release will have applications already built upon this framework, these applications will position CINNI as the leading crypto-currency in point of sale systems for both eCommerce and brick and mortar stores. (screen shots of the updated GUI will be available this week)
Included in this release are essential tools to conduct secure encrypted point of sale commerce and are all a first in crypto currency:
1) Encrypted messaging system in client with wallet to wallet messaging platform.
2) Encrypted order form sent wallet to wallet.
3) Encrypted invoice generation sent wallet to wallet.
4) Encrypted receipt delivery sent wallet to wallet.
Future release...est 3-6 weeks.
1) Combined wallet for both BTC and CINNI with multiple currency exchange rate support. (this will be the first ever in crypto-currency and will assist point of sale)
2) In wallet chat room.
Future release...est 4-14 weeks. (With this release we will become the best option in crypto-currency as a point of sale solution)
1) A second wallet designed as a "retail wallet" in addition to the "consumer wallet". This wallet is designed specifically for retail eCommerce businesses and is built on the encrypted messaging platform. (this will be the first "retail wallet" ever in crypto-currency and will lead to rapid merchant adoption of CINNI as a form of payment.)
2) Inventory management system for tracking supply in wallet client.
3) SKU number assignment with SKU pricing in wallet client.
4) Full receivables and reporting features in wallet client.
5) QR code generation in wallet client.
6) Export option into accounting software (i.e. Quickbooks, ect.)
Future release...est 12-18 weeks. (This will be an update on the routing of encrypted messages)
1) Optional anonymity features for "consumer wallet". This would allow for anonymity or (dark) send features similar to DRK coin or XC coin system.
2) Optional anonymization of data and messages. This system will use "messagenodes" combined with "masternodes" in the dark send feature. The "messagenodes" and "masternodes" will be paid in transaction fees and will be required to provide "proof of stake" by holding CINNI in wallets developing coin age (more details will follow).
Darkcoin and XC coin only anonymize half of the transaction (the actual transfer of payment). The communication between buyer and seller is left wide open and can be intercepted by a third party. There are ways to mitigate the communication risk however the communication risk to anonymity remains more significant than the payment risk to anonymity. The system being developed at CINNI will use the encrypted messaging system to allow CINNI to become the first ever completely anonymous transaction system.
Update: First screenshot of Encrypted Messaging GUI.
The backend of the encrypted messaging protocol has been completed. The GUI is now being completed and we will have all screens shots up by Thursday evening. Final testing will begin after the GUI is complete.
This is a glimpse into the progress that has been made. As we are ahead of development schedule, we have included in the soon to be released wallet update a feature originally scheduled for the second wallet release three weeks from now...the IRC chat box.
looks great. Will there be an option to diable in .conf the chatbox and prevent it loading or an alternative version that doesnt include it? Not everyone wants that in their wallet.
And most important development would be to start using versions in wallet code, a brief release notes.txt, anything less just seems sloppy at this point.
Of course that will be an option...