You can vote at coinpayments as many times as you want. I voted 7 times for cinni. They do nothing against it. Now i don't need to keep this secret.
That means dev could make 100 votes for his coin in some days. But he did't. I don't think he is stupid and don't see this ability. He just don't care about it coz not planning long life for his coin i think. But maybe stupid ..... ))
I even wrote him about it some days ago. Nothing.
did you read the rules? Only 1 of your votes will be counted. It great you like to donate to charity but attempting to cheat on voting and suggesting it here will only hurt Cinni chances.
The coins at the top if there any multiple voting from same person will have their additional votes ignored and the last vote they made replaces any earlier ones. Those other coins currently at top if they have had people trying to cheat, their efforts will be wasted when voting ends and the coins below them at 5th, 6th, 7th etc could easily win on that day after the duplicate votes are removed for the coins at 1st , 2md or 3rd places currently.
CoinPayments Charity Coin Vote
Building on our experiences in our previous public votes and after weighing our options, we have decided to hold this public coin vote off of our usual forum. This should open it up to even more people since they won't have to register for an account there.
This time we've also turned the vote into a charity drive for The Water Project. Each vote will require a donation of 0.001 BTC (or LTC/DOGE equivalent) with a side effect of helping deter paid vote manipulation.
Only 1 vote is allowed per person. Additional votes will replace your earlier votes. Votes determined to be fraudulent or paid-for will not be refunded (the funds will of course still be donated to the charity). Doing any of the following will disqualify your vote: (Sorry we have to take such a hard line on this, we just have rampant cheating during each vote.)
Starting a vote then having someone else do the donation.
Placing a vote then getting a reimbursement or reward of any value (for example: crypto or fiat currency, access to a site that normally requires payment, coupons or discounts, etc.)
Using Tor or similar = automatic disqualify (during our last vote we only had 3 valid votes from Tor users)
IPs listed in HTTP:BL or other spambot/botnet blacklist = automatic disqualify
This is not a complete list, anything that violates the spirit of the rules will be disqualified.
Remember: This vote is not about trade volume (a lot of that volume is people trading the coin for BTC/LTC or to hold for long term investment) or which coin backers have the biggest advertising budgets; it is about how many people genuinely want to purchase items using a particular coin.