Within couple of hours you can find on Play store my Cinnicoin price ticker Android app.
The app can be found in the Play store by searching on the following:
- CINNI price
- CINNI price ticker
- Cinnicoin price
- Cinnicoin price ticker
- Price ticker
Or by going to the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.wiskunde.cinni&hl=nl
Cinnicoin donation address: JNwkbrbXqixNa2XFUgv63U83X6Qoo13D5d
Logo changed!
App is based on exchange MintPal.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WISKUNDESTUDENT/
PS: Publishing will take max of 2 hours, it is dependent on Google. If new version app not available try later again.
Tks, I will download one when the newest one updated
We want this for Apple iphone !! Please is this possible ?
I'm sorry, I am a full time Java webapplication developer, and in my spare time I am developing Android apps.
Maybe if I have time I will make a webapplication, with responsive design. Then you can check easily the prices with your Iphone.
But now I am to busy.