I am unable to create an account, for some reason. When I first tried to sign up, I entered a username and my pgp key, and the page said it had sent me an email, but I never entered my email address
Your PGP/GPG public key *contains* an email address (although it may not be a real one) - so an email should have been sent to whatever email address is in your PGP/GPG public key (in this case it was a tormail.org address - could the recent problems with tormail be the issue?)
Then I used the annon key, and a different user name, and I decrypted the username and password, but the username is my old username, and the password does not work. (For either user names.)
The original username and password would be displayed only if the original PGP/GPG public was used. If you could contact me via PM then I will sort this out for you.
Also please note the user names are
case sensitive in CIYAM Open (so if you signed up as Sothh you cannot login using sothh as your user id).
BTW - I just tested creating a new anonymous account with no difficulty at all so I am not sure what has happened in this case.