Why are you guys such terrible arguers? Your PR (public relations) campaign has been destroyed by your reactions on forums, twitter, and IRC to various claims made against the coin. Intellectual people do not make personal attacks. The use of ad hominum logical fallacies has never been acceptable in the art of argument. Refute peoples claims with politeness and factual, valid logical arguments. Stop calling people names. In the real world, that shit doesn't fly. If you want real world support, you need to knock that shit off.
Be nice. Its not difficult. Ignore people that piss you off, let the others who are more able to deal with difficult "customers" take care of it.
If I am looking to invest my money in a coin, it doesnt matter how far advanced the technology is, if all i see when i look at forums is "idiot," "retard," "noob," etc,... I would wait for another coin to develop similar technology with a better community. These multi billion dollar corporations do not make their money by insulting people to their face.
I think it's pretty easy to tell who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't... may be just me, but point is: DYOR and know this...
No matter what the environment of crypto is now, it's headed towards a more trustworthy, professional, and "serious business" type experience. The modern world is used to a certain level of maturity when dealing with currency already and crypto is still learning to meet that demand.
We're at the dawn of a new
currency. People will eventually be dealing with this very seriously and all these trolls, FUDsters, and dummies are just going to be silly distractions compared to the cryptoprofessionals doing real work for real currency and having real, productive discussion. (Just like many people are for BTC, right now.)
It's so easy to see: cryptocurrency was born
online, within a tiny tiny group of nerds that as a community is still
extremely young and
extremely marginalized...
....hence the greedy obnoxious children everywhere....
....there's still time until we reach a happy balance in the cryptocommunity. No reason to panic. Just growing pains. Actually, it just makes me more confident in crypto.
I don't have any serious doubts that the crypto community will mature simply because cryptocurrency is such a powerful, disruptive technology.