since when is there a rule that you can't bitch about stupid shit on the internet?
fuck DRK, it's a pyramid scheme. it was instamined to shit, and those at the beginning are holding so much it's criminal, trying to convince you noobs to buy their garbage so they can cash in on a sinking ship. 8 months and no results, DONT ANYONE SAY ANYTHING BAD THO.
and then there's the masternodes, as if it wasn't enough of a pyramid scheme already, now you need 100 BTC to become a msaternode and suck up even more profits from all the noobs still making trades with this coin. better make sure they keep this non-stop profit train going! wouldn't want anyone to call them on their shit or anything! have fun lining the pockets of people who are already rich beyond imagination.
lol, you really need to some intelligent information gathering, just shows how uninformed you are, But lets see it like this:
We have had trolls telling / yelling / mocking etc in the thread aproximately every 40 pages, repeating themselves, over and over and over
nothing new, always the same.
now look at the hashrate of darkcoin: 93.826.272.199, almost 94 GHs
i would think people are "informed" by now, and yet they keep mining, not to count the million of dollars invested