"You can email any news tips, press releases, stories and corrections to us at [email protected]"
"If you’re involved in the virtual currency industry and would like to write an article or guest column for us, email us at [email protected]"
Wondering how responsive, passive or lazy Cloakers are. Did anyone contact coindesk or is working on something?
Someone that has a good understanding of the original features of Cloak would be best. They will need to be impressed.
I think the only problem with getting a coindesk article is that CLOAK is not finished yet. Once PoSA and the market are up and running there will no doubt be an article written.
Technically, once PoSA is out the currency's core is complete. IMO, OneMarket/Cloaktrade 2.0 are VAS for a later article.
He's the monetary historian who gets it.
Cloak will blow his socks off
Someone better qualified than me should introduce him to cloak
CoolST ?
I'll reach out to him as well. Thanks!