Who can explain me this. In the list published by the hackers at homepage of cloudminr the first row is:
[email protected],175o52E64wHQumzfLFnKrPaukJsvo9pgMb
This accont (me) seems to be the account of the admin of cloudminr.
Can anyone tell me why show this row if they (cloudminr) are scammers and the data are put there by they?
because it would look extremely suspicious if the admin account would be left out. it's to make it look legit.
Too much action for a scammer to fake a hack, because it makes no sense anymore. I guess, they have enough work now to sell our BTCs and build a new scam. Well, I would invest again, because all early investors in HYIPs are winners like me. Let's ask all the first investors and big advertisers in this forum about their ROIs to see how much you can earn with such shemes in a legit and easy way ...
Cloudminr: 113% without internal reinvestments and 180% with.
BCS: 165%
First in - first out [1th rule(s)!]There are five species of
players here:
1) the spotters - they neither win nor lose anything but allways know it better than others
2) the winners 3) the losers 4) the investigators/headhunters - they dream to find a real scammer and are Heros with a nice hobby
5) the big advertisers - they sit back and laugh about all other
... but wait ... there is a 6th species:
the scammers! If they are winners or losers is a decision of the species-4-profession.
All in all it's like reality-TV in the view of species 2&5.
BUT: I'm not laughing at losers. On the contrary, I always repeat my rules of investing in HYIPs. More I can not do.