I seem to have a bit of a problem here....
I have the following options in my Coino.conf file :
walletnotify=~/coino/scripts/notify.sh %s coino wallet
blocknotify=~/coino/scripts/notify.sh %s coino block
And I have the following in notify.sh
D=`date +"%s"`
echo '{"date":'${D}',"txId":"'${1}'","coin":"'${2}'","processed":false,"type":"'${3}'"}' >> ${F}
I get the block_transaction.log file created with block transactions. However, I am not getting the wallet_transaction.log file created when receiving payments into my wallet or sending coins from it !!!!
The entries in the block_transaction.log look like the following
Can anybody tell me why the walletnotify is not running
Well it looks like that the coinod has the option for blocknotify but not walletnotify
running coinod -? shows all available options ...
Was there any reason for leaving this out of the coinod ?