I understand that this forum is important for the people involved into the specs of these coins.
Somehow you need to be here to get notice by like minded people.
However, if a coin wants to bind my wife, other (no coin minded) friends, parents in law etc. this forum will kill them off. Its like reading those manuals that comes with new gadgets.. Look on page 35 then on 19 and don't forget that I posted something about it on page 235 too
Anyway, if you want to keep this community happy it seems like you have to put time in here with posting these kinda post. I am ok with it. Now if you want your coin to reach the masses then think Facebook and their Russian counterpart (VK).
Give away coins there to attract "normal shopping people". Post it on Facebook, 100 coins to spend on shoes and give them the link to those shoes. Within no time my niece will like the post and will share it to all here 2200 other facebook friends. It will spread like fire. and I will put those posts on ignore (like I do with most of them
For people I speak on party's: If it it isn't on Facebook it doesn't really exist. They love to win, share and post.
Coins need people like us to create and mine the coins.
But it needs the rest of the world to spend it on things.
Just my 0.00001 sat
Oh yeah I am 99% of the time on IRC and I hope my niece never will go there. That would kill me off
That is 100% correct. We need to in involve the "normal" people, who only don't know what "mining", "Hashrate", etc. is. A TV Advertisment were great or something like this...
Greetings, DDerTyp
The facebook people are the masses and will speak about the coin. Hmmm I'm not convinced about that at this stage. 99% of the world doesn't even know what bitcoin is let alone other crypo currencies, and if my daughters can't spend it, it's worth diddly squat.
Crypto is not for the masses, they don't know what to do with it. They can't spend it, they can't or won't mine it and they have no idea how to store it. It's basically too damn hard for them to get their heads around.
There is however a "type" of person interested in crypto and that "type" of person is right here on the bitcointalk forum's or one of the asian/chinese forums...
I believe that even more important, at this moment in time, is MINERS and traders, and they ALL come here... We need to significantly raise and sustain the hash rate which means we need to show the miners out there that this coin is very much alive and very much kicking and we as the coino community can only do that by posting HERE in THIS thread.
The forum has it's uses for give aways, technical issues and buying and selling some stuff, and frankly i think IRC should be for support anyway, not that I don't use it by the way, I know its convenient and for off topic chat it's great but it does NOT provide a permanent record of discussion around coino..
The main problem is that most people are busy... busy busy busy... They do not have time to sign up to "this forum or that forum" or follow multiple IRC channels for the coins they are interested in, and lets face it they will mostly be interested in many more coins than just coin(O). And that my friends brings me back to the point in question.
Bitcointalk is where these people come. They will hang out on the fringes for a while to see whats going on and then jump in when they feel they know enough. If I had personally been hanging out on the fringes for the last week or so I would have died from board um by now.
Forums aren't for everybody, personally I think they are a pain in the ass, too many different discussions under too many topic headings etc etc.
By comparison Bitcointalk is EASY just ONE thread from beginning to end.
If you want to tip people the odd coino then tip influencers in the crypto world a few coino to get there attention for a while. And who knows, if the coin is interests them they may just stick around.