Edit: in case this wasn’t clear enough, this is coming directly from the dev chat on Telegram. That’s how they conduct business.
It's NOT A BUSINESS DUMMY!! It is an Open-Source Project!!
And that all looks very posative to me; as they are pro-actively working on everything as a team... As you pointed out earlier, they are doing it for 'the cause' and not for the money... and are working for free... Unlike you Shills who get actively paid for doing your job!! LOL
You're going to have to do a whole lot better than that me thinks... And no comment on why your puppet-masters at the bank banned COLX as per my previous post then..? You very conveniently skipped over that one I guess...
I'm definitely already enjoying a very COLOSSUS 2018 and I'd say it's a great shame you've missed out if I ever believed that you actually had any COLX in the first place...
Every time you post you're just giving me more amunition to come back at you with... So you really are wasting your time... and mine... So I strongly suggest that you go Shilling somewhere else now... As everyone can see you for exactly what you are... just by going back and reading your previous 15 posts... How much do they pay you, $1 a post! So that's $15 you've earned here now!! Wooppie Doooooo!! LOL
Yes, keep posting non-sense. You’re dojng a good job at killing the coin. Smh.