
Topic: [ANN] Combine Finance - Best of Defi's | NFT | VAULT | ADVANCED POOLS | - page 2. (Read 1068 times)

Activity: 180
Merit: 20
Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.

50 COMB is around 5,000 USD, given that ETH-USD rate is 400 and I'm being very generous here as currently it's below that. You planned to do maketing on random people, trying to attain 600 of them by this budget? Tell me again how do you plan to get their curiosity? And while you're at it, answer this too

Wait, what? Not only you require 600 members before you reveal any detail, but you also plan those members to be from random background with certain probability of zero actual interest on your project as they're randomly "invited"? How is this organic?

We are doing Various Campaign to attract people on our platform. You can check on our discord channel. People who are interested will have a process to make any contribution in terms of investments. We have plans to reveal on what we are working on it will soon be posted on our discord channel.

What is this fake volume on binance? You, what, wanna make yourself known through faking the turnover rather making utility-aiding stuff. Everybody knows that this shitcoin is no different than 99% of binance listings. I just realized that your feminine nature might be a hiccup able to potentially stymie your development since u waste time on make-ups and lips enlargement, which led u to the decision to hire a market maker to dilute volume.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole
If anyone see your token and team they will think it is a scam project. The project with only 10000 COMB tokens with hard cap of 250 ETH which project can be successful with 250 ETH? 250 ETH is not even 100K USD at current rate. Do you plan to take this money and run away, without team profile it is possible.

We are in talks with CIPA to gain trust and authenticity as suggested by community member. Also, We have no intentions to run with the money. Please read the tokenomics. We have a bigger goal to make this coin successful like yearn finance. That's a bold one. We will do everything in our possibility to develop the project.

And I can say that I have no intention to die anytime soon, and that I will do everything in my possibility to develop an immortality, if you know what I'm trying to say.

Continuing my previous unanswered query, just a rather friendly reminder that you have not answered how will you gather 600 (random) people through small marketing fund. And, this is the second time you missed my question about those said random people you stated
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
If anyone see your token and team they will think it is a scam project. The project with only 10000 COMB tokens with hard cap of 250 ETH which project can be successful with 250 ETH? 250 ETH is not even 100K USD at current rate. Do you plan to take this money and run away, without team profile it is possible.

We are in talks with CIPA to gain trust and authenticity as suggested by community member. Also, We have no intentions to run with the money. Please read the tokenomics. We have a bigger goal to make this coin successful like yearn finance. That's a bold one. We will do everything in our possibility to develop the project.
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
If the team was anonymous was the token even audited? What company has audited it to be exact?

Is there an ETA when does yield farming gonna get started? Just curious though because this defi stakings really got massive APY and more like a Ponzi you gonna get first before they run. No offense but that's the fact right now in the crypto sphere.

The token is going to be sent for the audit.

Master Contract:

You can read it or can send it to someone for the audit from your end.

We are building the frontend. Its going to be ready by this week. After the approval from the auditor we will integrate the two so, the tentative date for the yield farming to start will be 20th considering all things is in place.
Activity: 422
Merit: 52
If anyone see your token and team they will think it is a scam project. The project with only 10000 COMB tokens with hard cap of 250 ETH which project can be successful with 250 ETH? 250 ETH is not even 100K USD at current rate. Do you plan to take this money and run away, without team profile it is possible.
hero member
Activity: 2030
Merit: 578
No God or Kings, only BITCOIN.
If the team was anonymous was the token even audited? What company has audited it to be exact?

Is there an ETA when does yield farming gonna get started? Just curious though because this defi stakings really got massive APY and more like a Ponzi you gonna get first before they run. No offense but that's the fact right now in the crypto sphere.
Activity: 363
Merit: 79

I believe 600 is the random number they chose, not the people. They are all crypto enthusiasts I guess. So 600 crypto people will be gathered first, if I understand correctly.

Nope, they're specifically talking about they need that much of people joining their community before they reveal any further details. And then, as quoted below, they informed us that those people are randomly marketed, there were no part on the information given that they will be crypto enthusiast

Due to the massive price movements in the market and  Ethereum high gas fees cause of network congestion. We are going more through an organic route. The members joining the discord group is random based on marketing. Currently our focus is on development. Once we reach that number which we believe will take time.

I understand, that's why we are fulfilling the promises first before any participation from the investors.

Perhaps the dev should explain this sentence.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole

I believe 600 is the random number they chose, not the people. They are all crypto enthusiasts I guess. So 600 crypto people will be gathered first, if I understand correctly.

Nope, they're specifically talking about they need that much of people joining their community before they reveal any further details. And then, as quoted below, they informed us that those people are randomly marketed, there were no part on the information given that they will be crypto enthusiast

Due to the massive price movements in the market and  Ethereum high gas fees cause of network congestion. We are going more through an organic route. The members joining the discord group is random based on marketing. Currently our focus is on development. Once we reach that number which we believe will take time.

I understand, that's why we are fulfilling the promises first before any participation from the investors.
Activity: 363
Merit: 79
Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.

50 COMB is around 5,000 USD, given that ETH-USD rate is 400 and I'm being very generous here as currently it's below that. You planned to do maketing on random people, trying to attain 600 of them by this budget? Tell me again how do you plan to get their curiosity? And while you're at it, answer this too

Wait, what? Not only you require 600 members before you reveal any detail, but you also plan those members to be from random background with certain probability of zero actual interest on your project as they're randomly "invited"? How is this organic?

We are doing Various Campaign to attract people on our platform. You can check on our discord channel. People who are interested will have a process to make any contribution in terms of investments. We have plans to reveal on what we are working on it will soon be posted on our discord channel.

And those campaign are funded with mere 5,000 USD? Will there be a detailed report on money spent for these campaign? Also, it still haven't answer my question about the random people instead of focused group that's carefully chosen to meet target market.

I believe 600 is the random number they chose, not the people. They are all crypto enthusiasts I guess. So 600 crypto people will be gathered first, if I understand correctly.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole
Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.

50 COMB is around 5,000 USD, given that ETH-USD rate is 400 and I'm being very generous here as currently it's below that. You planned to do maketing on random people, trying to attain 600 of them by this budget? Tell me again how do you plan to get their curiosity? And while you're at it, answer this too

Wait, what? Not only you require 600 members before you reveal any detail, but you also plan those members to be from random background with certain probability of zero actual interest on your project as they're randomly "invited"? How is this organic?

We are doing Various Campaign to attract people on our platform. You can check on our discord channel. People who are interested will have a process to make any contribution in terms of investments. We have plans to reveal on what we are working on it will soon be posted on our discord channel.

And those campaign are funded with mere 5,000 USD? Will there be a detailed report on money spent for these campaign? Also, it still haven't answer my question about the random people instead of focused group that's carefully chosen to meet target market.
Activity: 363
Merit: 79
When are you launching the ICO? Been waiting for a while now.  Undecided
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.

50 COMB is around 5,000 USD, given that ETH-USD rate is 400 and I'm being very generous here as currently it's below that. You planned to do maketing on random people, trying to attain 600 of them by this budget? Tell me again how do you plan to get their curiosity? And while you're at it, answer this too

Wait, what? Not only you require 600 members before you reveal any detail, but you also plan those members to be from random background with certain probability of zero actual interest on your project as they're randomly "invited"? How is this organic?

We are doing Various Campaign to attract people on our platform. You can check on our discord channel. People who are interested will have a process to make any contribution in terms of investments. We have plans to reveal on what we are working on it will soon be posted on our discord channel.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole
Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.

50 COMB is around 5,000 USD, given that ETH-USD rate is 400 and I'm being very generous here as currently it's below that. You planned to do maketing on random people, trying to attain 600 of them by this budget? Tell me again how do you plan to get their curiosity? And while you're at it, answer this too

Wait, what? Not only you require 600 members before you reveal any detail, but you also plan those members to be from random background with certain probability of zero actual interest on your project as they're randomly "invited"? How is this organic?
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0

Thanks for your feedback. I understand your concern and you have all the right to doubt it. We are working on the platform and not asking for anything upfront.

The code will be audited by third party before releasing it to public. So there's no loophole or bugs. later it will be shared on GITHUB.

Let me break it down for. 1,000 will be available for presale.
500 will be used in uniswap liquidty.
300 is reserved for marketing expense. (that's our entire budget for the coin)
700 will be locked for team.

Early investor who invested in valuable coins made good return. We are aspiring to be one.


Correct me anywhere on these points if I'm wrong:
1,000 is from presale, which means token.owned by investor  Correct

500 is on uniswap for liquidity Correct

175 is for team (from 25% of 700 tokens reserved for team, where the rest will be released gradually)  InCorrect

This leaves only 125 for marketing in order to meet your 1,800. But your allocated marketing fund is 300. So, what? The other 175 will be released gradually too?

300 is reserved for marketing and it's the entire budget we have the coin. It will be used as per the requirement. Won't be spent all at once. Check out our channel.

700 is reserved for team and its locked, 25% will be released every quarter meaning 175 COMB token will be distributed to the team every quarter from the team reserve and rest 525 Comb 25% will be released next quarter that is 131.25. So, its like 25% of the remaining token.

700 Reserved for team
1st quarter 175
2nd quarter - 131.5
3rd quarter -98.375
So on

All, the token addresses will be released and transparent.

Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975

From Marketing we are only using 50 COMB in terms of bounties and marketing during this launch. Note that 300 is the total budget for the entire year. 250 will be used in the future so it wont be in circulation.

175 from team first batch will be released after 3 months. So the entire 700 COMB will be locked.

The Circulation will be much lesser. It will be earned through staking which will happens as per individual's decision who will Deposit various coins Lp in our pools to earn COMB.
Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole

Thanks for your feedback. I understand your concern and you have all the right to doubt it. We are working on the platform and not asking for anything upfront.

The code will be audited by third party before releasing it to public. So there's no loophole or bugs. later it will be shared on GITHUB.

Let me break it down for. 1,000 will be available for presale.
500 will be used in uniswap liquidty.
300 is reserved for marketing expense. (that's our entire budget for the coin)
700 will be locked for team.

Early investor who invested in valuable coins made good return. We are aspiring to be one.


Correct me anywhere on these points if I'm wrong:
1,000 is from presale, which means token.owned by investor  Correct

500 is on uniswap for liquidity Correct

175 is for team (from 25% of 700 tokens reserved for team, where the rest will be released gradually)  InCorrect

This leaves only 125 for marketing in order to meet your 1,800. But your allocated marketing fund is 300. So, what? The other 175 will be released gradually too?

300 is reserved for marketing and it's the entire budget we have the coin. It will be used as per the requirement. Won't be spent all at once. Check out our channel.

700 is reserved for team and its locked, 25% will be released every quarter meaning 175 COMB token will be distributed to the team every quarter from the team reserve and rest 525 Comb 25% will be released next quarter that is 131.25. So, its like 25% of the remaining token.

700 Reserved for team
1st quarter 175
2nd quarter - 131.5
3rd quarter -98.375
So on

All, the token addresses will be released and transparent.

Wasn't that a miscalculation, then? Or am I just went dumb? Your initial supply is 1,800 COMB, the initial allocated fund will be

1,000 for presale
500 liquidity
300 for marketing, which you already state that they have the entire allocation from the beginning
175 for team's first batch

That's 1,975
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
So we are getting different type of Defi project, 10k Supply only? omg , really interesting! Kiss
Activity: 46
Merit: 0
Just 10k total supply did caught my attention. What will be the presale price?

Yes i read theirs discord, they will do presale per token 0.25 ETH
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0

Thanks for your feedback. I understand your concern and you have all the right to doubt it. We are working on the platform and not asking for anything upfront.

The code will be audited by third party before releasing it to public. So there's no loophole or bugs. later it will be shared on GITHUB.

Let me break it down for. 1,000 will be available for presale.
500 will be used in uniswap liquidty.
300 is reserved for marketing expense. (that's our entire budget for the coin)
700 will be locked for team.

Early investor who invested in valuable coins made good return. We are aspiring to be one.


Correct me anywhere on these points if I'm wrong:
1,000 is from presale, which means token.owned by investor  Correct

500 is on uniswap for liquidity Correct

175 is for team (from 25% of 700 tokens reserved for team, where the rest will be released gradually)  InCorrect

This leaves only 125 for marketing in order to meet your 1,800. But your allocated marketing fund is 300. So, what? The other 175 will be released gradually too?

300 is reserved for marketing and it's the entire budget we have the coin. It will be used as per the requirement. Won't be spent all at once. Check out our channel.

700 is reserved for team and its locked, 25% will be released every quarter meaning 175 COMB token will be distributed to the team every quarter from the team reserve and rest 525 Comb 25% will be released next quarter that is 131.25. So, its like 25% of the remaining token.

700 Reserved for team
1st quarter 175
2nd quarter - 131.5
3rd quarter -98.375
So on

All, the token addresses will be released and transparent.

Activity: 2730
Merit: 1560
Yes, I'm an asshole

Thanks for your feedback. I understand your concern and you have all the right to doubt it. We are working on the platform and not asking for anything upfront.

The code will be audited by third party before releasing it to public. So there's no loophole or bugs. later it will be shared on GITHUB.

Let me break it down for. 1,000 will be available for presale.
500 will be used in uniswap liquidty.
300 is reserved for marketing expense. (that's our entire budget for the coin)
700 will be locked for team.

Early investor who invested in valuable coins made good return. We are aspiring to be one.


Correct me anywhere on these points if I'm wrong:

1,000 is from presale, which means token.owned by investor
500 is on uniswap for liquidity
175 is for team (from 25% of 700 tokens reserved for team, where the rest will be released gradually)

This leaves only 125 for marketing in order to meet your 1,800. But your allocated marketing fund is 300. So, what? The other 175 will be released gradually too?
copper member
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
We will post the date once we reach 600 members on our server. Join our server to stay posted.
The initial Supply will be 1800 COMB when listed

Are you trying to say that there will be more supply after being listed? And wait, why do you need to wait for 600 members before announcing such critical information?

You can generate rewards in COMB token by staking your liquidity pool on our website. There wont be more than 10,000 total supply.
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