OK, had a chance to play around a bit with the GCC 6.1.0 compiling and I think I found a pretty simple fix to this problem at least. The min/max macros which are causing collisions in the HODL C++ code are only referenced locally in the decred.c file, but are defined manually in miner.h. So ....
1) Comment out or remove the macro definitions for min and max in miner.h
2) add a local definition of the min macro to decred.c
After that I was able to get it to compile on one of my Haswell systems. Still having trouble compiling on an older westmere based system due to some AES256CBC complaints.
Good work. I'll make the change proactively.
The AES256CBC problem may be related to AVX code in hodl-wolf. IIRC either Nehalem or Westmere have AES but not AVX. I may have
to tighen up the checking to force it to use the unoptimized version. Did you do a native compile? Have you tried corei7?
"gcc -Q -march=native --help=target" will tell you which arch is the default for native.
Westmere support AES-NI but not AVX. Nehalem doesn't support either.
I've successfully compiled for all the AVX platforms on my laptop - haswell corei5 but can't compile with march=westmere or with native on my dev virtual machine which is running on some older servers (Dual Westmere Hex-core) that I wanted to test on. setting march=haswell on the older VM works fine and compiles haswell optimized code (which can't run locally obviously).
Appears to be some sort of a conflict in the capabilities check on the HODL AES code.
You're right, I only check for AES_NI, not AVX. This may affect some other algos that also have AVX code mixed in with AES.
If I can identify which ones are pure AES I can make a distinction otherwise I'll have to use non-AES code unless the CPU also
supports AVX.
I don't have the necessary HW to test but if you don't mind doing a little more work it would help a lot. There are
three groups of AES code. There is code used only by hodl, code only used by cryptonight and code shared among many algos
including x11. Those three should cover the entire spectrum of AES optimized code. Those that work on your Westmere can have
AES enabled without AVX. Those like Hodl will require a CPU with AVX before AES can be enabled.
It just occurred to me that you probably did a native compile. Do you know what arch the compiler mapped that to? A Windows
user reported success using the corei7 build on a Nehalem CPU. If yours is different you could try -march=corei7.
This will raise my confidence in the fix since I can't test it on the right HW.
Might have gotten lost in the thread above, but I was able to compile with AVX level features on the westemere based system, the obviously just don't get detected or work. The errors only seem to occur when I set the march to westmere or lower.
I've been looking through the code for hodl to try to figure out what seems to be causing the problem. It primarily seems to be from different versions of the SHA256CBC algorithm that it is attempting to compile in simultaneously.
In going through though, I've come across a question for you with regards to your capabilities tests --- you seem to be excluding a lot of the AES_NI optimized code by wrapping it in the AVX segment even though there don't seem to be any AVX instructions in those code segments. I haven't had a chance to look through it thoroughly, but on a quick scan the only part of wolf's code that utilizes AVX instructions is the SHA512 function used to generate the scratchpad. The rest of the code should be able to be under #ifndef NO_AES_NI.
Can you post the actual errors? I've been speculating it was an AVX issue. If you're seeing multiple definitions I may
be going in the wrong direction.