ATTENTION: SPOILER ALERTIf you haven't seen the new
Avengers Movie,
Infinity War, you may wish to skip over this post, for now ....
In addition to both the
Star Trek and
Star Wars franchises using
Credit$ as the digital currency of the future, we now have the most popular box office, opening movie, of all time, doing this.
‘Avengers: Infinity War’ All-Time Opening Record Even Higher With $258M+ Domestic, $640M+ World Wide Not to mention the wildly popular
Guardians of the Galaxy, which is where some of the characters in the new
Avengers movie, including Rocket Raccoon, spilled over from. So that's four, giant, mythological franchises all agreeing on what the digital currency of the future,
should be named. Don't kid yourselves, the underlying power of this on the human psyche should not be underestimated.
Source: Official Trailers - the new
Avengers movie, which I highly recommend seeing, Money and Currency are only mentioned one time, and the term they use for the money of the future is clearly
Credit$. In
Infinity Wars, Rocket Raccoon, is quote as saying to Thor ...
"Some jerk lost a bet with me on Contraxia." "He gave you his eye?" "No, he gave me 100 Credit$This cybernetic eye, which is given to Thor by Rocket Raccoon is described as a replacement for Thor's damaged eye, and is also,
a pivotal moment in the movie.Since only about 1% of people on earth are currently involved in the cryto currency space, this means that the 99% of those capable of owning
Credit$, don't even know about it, but they will learn, thanks in part to this popular movie, and others like it.