No wonder why each new days it dump deeper.
This progect is legit and i believe them. What they are doing is amazing! If it would be scam then what the sense to go around the world and represent their project in many conferences, find new partners and engaging auditors? By the way Lenovo and LeewayHertz have already partnered with them. These are two big companies with excellent reputation, just think about it. You should made research about Credits before doing baseless statements
Bitconnect did exactly the same, they made a lot of blockchain expo all other the world. This mean nothing. This is the job of a scam to look like legit. What kind of scam say openly that they are a scam .....
And Lenovo never partnered with Credits. Credits just became a custommer of Lenovo-Ar blockchain (while Credits is supposed to have its own blockchain....). Don't fall into fake partnerships please....
You're entitled to your own opinion, but the team wouldn't have part of the funds locked until half of the tokens will be swapped for coins, all team tokens locked until March 2019. I'm not even sure why you have time to come here and make these accusations, are you a troll or something?
LMAO Now this is either FUD or you simply aren't educated enough to understand anything. Lenovo AR\AI doesn't have its own blockchain, they're engaged in completely different field, which is one of the first AR-solutions providers. Hopefully, you're educated enough to know that AR means Augmented reality.
announcement from CREDITS
Publication from Lenovo #1
Publication from Lenovo #2
Next time educate yourself, please
Leave him alone, he looks like a kid, I haven't heard any constructive arguments, so why do we have to persuade him?
Kids these days... Branding anything they think is impossible to achieve and without doing proper research a scam... They should put this energy into something constructive and creative and not be a hero on the Internet saying something is a scam without any proof... It's just sad...