New website: The Crypto-Currency Business Directory (CBD) Intended to be
your "lemonade-stand-on-the-side-of-the-information-super-highway," CBD is a directory where users can list themselves and conduct business. Although it's targeted at small business and sole-proprietorships, everyone is invited to use the service. CBD accounts include an array of features designed, in sum, to simply conduct business on-line:
1 - Profile - description page at an easy to remember URL ( includes formatting, images, and documents )
2 - Phone Number - with Voice over Internet (VOIP)
3 - Email - with integrated GPG encryption and email aliases
4 - Document Management - with role based access control
5 - Crypto-Currency Wallet - with conversion feature
New Unique Feature: Price stability - CBD gives users the option to convert their crypto-assets to a dollar denominated figure. This action is known as a hedge-to-the-dollar or peg-to-the-dollar operation and is intended to ensure term stability.
Fees are deducted on an as-used basis and registration requires a 0.02 BTC minimum.
Click to see a registered account: