Premium benefits - I just noticed that premium players get an 80% of catching frogs instead of the previous 50%!
A level 14 mission done with 999 HP will get 50% chance of 0 - 14 frogs or expectation of 3.5 and HP of 0 - 7 (my observation was average HP 2.25 instead of expected 3.5).
At 1000 HP the mission yields 14% chance of something great (my limited observation is 5% of 10 unit Stream card drawing ticket costing 140 sats at the time, I will be generous and call it 14% of 200 sats) and 80% of 0 - 14 frogs (5.6)
HP is costing about 650 sats
Based on the gift page with option to buy ticket with frogs or sats, a frog is worth 1.3 sats
The benefit given at 999 HP is (rounding down to make the comparison most favorable to site) is
[email protected] + 2.25HP@650 = 1471 sats
The benefit given at 1000 HP for same mission (rounding up) is 6frogs + 200fromsomethinggreat*0.14 = 36 sats
At 6 missions a day, the premium player is getting 8,610 sats less in yield a day. If there is a referral pipeline generating 8,610 sats a day then the yield is equivalent. That can be a .1% over 1000 mission (5 months) for a referral generating 17,220 sats a day to the player for 5 more months for example. I doubt that situation exists though. So what becomes of those 8,610 sats a day? Either the HP is overpriced or some benefit is accruing to someone other than regular players or premium players (missions are not sensitive to amount of HP, so it isn't just premium players with close to 1000 HP)
Premium gets an extra 50% bonus which should be added in the consideration. A regular player with 0% can expect about 26.5 sats and from my experience will get less than 23. A premium player with 100% bonus can expect 53 and lets imagine the result is 63! The premium player gets 40 more sats a mission, rounding up to 300 a day. The deficiency is now only 8,310 per day.
If there is a mission level 18, a premium player at 100% would benefit over a normal player at 0% by ... it is less than the optimistic example above because the expected difference is actually still less than 40 sats a mission.
TLDR premium players get some benefits and more are on the way, but until I hit 1000 HP I didn't understand not all benefits here are created equal.