I'm tired of your comments Thomasio, really...
I'm sorry if I got something wrong, but I believe the info is all there, many pages above.
It was actually me pointing out several months ago the bug that one could use shortlinks more often than the indicated number and you replied that you are aware of that, which I took for a you don't mind.
We even had a short discussion there, where you pointed out that the indicated 100 times one could use "linkshrink" were sufficient to use just that one all day, which is obsolete by now because linkshrink is gone.
If you had replied back then, that you do mind, I would have stopped doing shortlinks on your site when linkshrink disappeared.
As a side note, let me mention (for the 10th time or so) shortlinks do NOT pay either way, whether you allow 1 access per day or 100.
Shortlinks pay a given amount of times per IP per day, and there isn't one single user on your site who does not also use other faucets using the same shortlinks, meaning whether or not you get paid by your shortlinks depends on which faucet a user uses first per day.
In my case, I usually go to CMG first every day, but just to restart mining, claim the expired missions and launch a new one, meaning I do ONE shortlink that will pay you, then, before I come back the 2nd time, I will have claimed from 2 dozen other faucets where some use the same shortlinks and from then on your shortlinks do not pay you anymore.
I believe even this one time per day you get paid from my first shortlink access is already an exception, the vast majority of users will access other faucets before coming to CMG and that means you don't get paid at all.
The web is full of 1000s of former faucets based on shortlinks, all bankrupt when they had to find out that their shortlinks do not pay.
Either way, so far all replies I got from you to my posting were that you found my input useful, that's why I kept posting, even though I'm aware I've been pretty critical, after all I believe there's no point in sweet talking if the reality from a users point of view is different.
If that has now changed, just let me know, I will stop posting here and we'll find out how you'll be doing when you have to find out what I think by my behavior rather than my stated opinion in here.