I can't understand why there are so many pools, and compare sites, why is there not a pool that simply collects SHA256 and Scrypt cycles, and does all the magic in the background, and pays you in a destination crypto?
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create Bitcointalksearch.org - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
cd /cygdrive/c/ && ls -l | grep foo
ls -l /cygdrive/c/cryptoswitcher
cd c:
mv cryptoswitcher Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher
chmod 755 Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher
chmod 644 Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher/*
cd /cygdrive/c/ && ls -l | grep foo
ls -l /cygdrive/c/cryptoswitcher
cd c:
mv cryptoswitcher Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher
chmod 755 Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher
chmod 644 Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/CryptoSwitcher/*
# -------------------------------------------------#
# Cryptocurrency mining switcher config file #
# TipJar (BTC): 1NhathL6LpcgofDnHELSS6Hej6kU9xrVgp #
# Author: area #
# -------------------------------------------------#
# Enable the coins you want to mine here.
mineAMC = False
mineARG = False
mineBQC = False
mineBTB = False
mineBTC = False
mineCNC = False
mineDGC = True
mineELC = False
mineEZC = False
mineFRC = False
mineFRK = False
mineFST = False
mineFTC = True
mineHYC = False
mineLKY = True
mineLTC = True
mineMEM = True
mineMNC = False
mineNBL = False
mineNVC = False
minePPC = False
minePXC = True
mineTRC = False
mineWDC = True
# Listed against LTC only (currently unusable by CS)
mineDBL = False
mineGLD = False
mineJKC = False
mineRYC = False
# No data available from sources
mineBTE = False
minePWC = False
mineMEC = False
mineYAC = False
# BTC Merged mining coins. Will be added to Bitcoin profitibilty when enabled.
mineDVC = False
mineIXC = False
mineNMC = False
# Enable to mine vanity addresses.
mineVANITY = False
# You should have scripts that stop all other forms of mining, set all necesary
# environment variables, and start mining the appropriate coin.
# Examples included are 'litecoin.sh.sample' and 'bitcoin.sh.sample'.
# Any coins you aren't mining you can just leave blank.
# For Windows you can use bat-files, eg "BTCscript = bitcoin.bat".
AMCscript =
ARGscript =
BQCscript =
BTBscript =
BTCscript = bitcoin.bat
BTEscript =
CNCscript =
DBLscript =
DGCscript = dgc-ftc-skyhighmining.bat
ELCscript =
EZCscript =
FRCscript =
FRKscript =
FSTscript =
FTCscript = ftc-skyhighmining.bat
GLDscript =
HYCscript =
JKCscript =
LKYscript = lcky-ltc-skyhighmining.bat
LTCscript = ltc-skyhighmining.bat
MECscript = mec-ltc-skyhighmining.bat
MEMscript = meme-ftc-skyhighmining.bat
MNCscript =
NBLscript =
NVCscript =
PPCscript =
PWCscript =
PXCscript = phnx-ltc-skyhighmining.bat
RYCscript =
TRCscript =
WDCscript = wdc-ftc-skyhighmining.bat
YACscript =
VANITYscript =
# Set specific fees for every coin (in percent).
# The fee simply adds to the profitability before calculating the most profitable coin.
# Negative values are also allowed, they increase the profitability.
feeAMC = 0
feeARG = 0
feeBQC = 0
feeBTB = 0
feeBTC = 1.5
feeBTE = 0
feeCNC = 0
feeDBL = 0
feeDGC = 15
feeELC = 0
feeEZC = 0
feeFRC = 0
feeFRK = 0
feeFST = 0
feeFTC = 5
feeGLD = 0
feeHYC = 0
feeJKC = 0
feeLKY = 5
feeLTC = 5
feeMEC = 5
feeMEM = 5
feeMNC = 0
feeNBL = 0
feeNVC = 0
feePPC = 0
feePWC = 0
feePXC = 5
feeRYC = 0
feeTRC = 0
feeWDC = 15
feeYAC = 0
# Source list for determining mining profitability.
# The first entry in the source list has the highest priority and is used first.
# If the site is down or a certain coin is not found the next source is used.
# Available sources: cryptoswitcher, coinotron, coinchoose, dustcoin
source=coinchoose, coinotron, dustcoin, cryptoswitcher
# If using CryptoSwitcher as a source, list markets to source prices from.
# Difficulty is acquired from coinchoose and cryptocoinexplorer.
# Available sources: btce, bter, vircurex, cryptsy
source_cryptoswitcher=cryptsy, btce, bter, vircurex
# Hashrates used in calculations when using CryptoSwitcher as a source.
# Measured in hashes per second. Can be acquired by testmining with cgminer.
# sha256 is used by Bitcoin etc. while scrypt is used by Litecoin etc.
# Idle Time (in minutes) between two checks of coin profitability.
idletime = 5
# Gigahash per second you can output doing normal BTC mining.
ghashpersec = 0.7
# Gigakeys per second you can output doing vanity address mining.
gkeypersec = 0.05
# Trade multiplier - if not 1, sells not at the highest bid, but at this
# multiple of it.
tradeMultiplier = 1.01
# If you want to sell your coins ASAP after mining, enable an exchange here.
# This will automatically sell flagged coins for BTC ONLY.
# BTC-e
enableBTCE = False
# You'll need to configure your API key, secret, and a nonce in "key.sample".
# Rename this file to "key".
# VirCurEx
enableVircurex = False
vircurexUsername = VCEUSERNAME
vircurexSecret = APISECRET
# Cryptsy
enableCryptsy = True
cryptsyPublicKey =
cryptsyPrivateKey =
# Enable the coins you want to sell here.
sellAMC = False
sellARG = False
sellBQC = False
sellBTB = False
sellBTE = False
sellCNC = False
sellDBL = False
sellDGC = True
sellELC = False
sellEZC = False
sellFRC = False
sellFRK = False
sellFST = False
sellFTC = False
sellGLD = False
sellHYC = False
sellJKC = False
sellLKY = True
sellLTC = False
sellMEC = True
sellMEM = True
sellMNC = False
sellNBL = False
sellNVC = False
sellPPC = False
sellPWC = False
sellPXC = True
sellRYC = False
sellTRC = False
sellWDC = True
sellYAC = False
mineDVC = False
mineIXC = False
mineNMC = False
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid data received, please make sure connection is working and requested API exists' in /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php:42
Stack trace:
#0 /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php(46): api_query('getinfo')
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php on line 42
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid data received, please make sure connection is working and requested API exists' in /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php:42
Stack trace:
#0 /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php(46): api_query('getinfo')
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/salfter/cryptsy-test.php on line 42