Hi guys,
Any idea what I should do with my 750TIs? I haven't used them since late-summer since it's hard to find profit. Is it anything to mine out there now or should I simple sell most of them? What's a fair prize in BTC for a 750ti?
I forgot to mention, looking at Nvidia's and AMD's reasearch into production schedule for new GPU silicon: it is all scheduled for 2016. Both companies new architecture will be rolled out then?
From this, we can guess that there is going to be about a prestigious failure rate in 7950, 7970, 7990's in 2016 and maybe the older Nvidia GPU models (50%-70% of these GPU's are going to bite the dust).
Obviously, a lot of these GPU's paid for themselves in the Litecoin boom 2013 and 2014. Their owners are just keeping them running, as long they make more then the electricity bill.
Anyway, a lot of these miner's with 7950's, 7970's and 7990's will not re-invest in new mining hardware, because it is not worth the time and labor. Those mining this year, with latest GPU's R9 290's, 280X's 750TI's, etc are in "technical unprofitabilty", they should be able to make a profit in 2016.
"I would remind them about the GPU only algorithms (X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Neoscrypt, Lyra2 etc) miners are actually making technical annualized losses on their daily mining in USA and even in Iceland. Bitcoin price: $314 December 2014. Darkcoin mined at exchange price of 0.006BTC generates 1 cent of profit per day in the USA, which equals to anual income $2.66 and even over the 3 year warranty of Nvidia 750TI (maxwell silicon is the most efficient hasher) it equates to a net income of $7.98. A Nvidia 750 TI costs $160, this translates in loss of 3 year loss of $151.02 dollars, this does not even include additional $280 dollars needed to build the PC to mine with?
Even, if you moved to Iceland, where electricity is 3 cent a watt; mining Darkcoin with one Nvidia 750TI would generate a net annual income of $33.32 over its’ 3 year warranty this equates to $99.96. A net loss of -$60.04 over the 3 years."
BTC price $210 January 2015
USA: -1 cent loss per day.
Anual loss: -$12.73
3 Year warranty loss: -$38.19
Net loss include 750 TI purchase: -$198.19

Iceland: 5 cent profit a day.
Anual profit: $17.93
3 Year warranty profit: $53.79
Net loss including 750 TI purchase: -$106.21

Most people who are still mining, are supporting specific coins. For example: if you mined Darkcoin at the beginning 2013 and did not sell them. You'd would have collected 10,000-20,000 Darkcoins for about a few cents a coin. Some people sold these of mid-2014 when Darkcoin had an epic boom in a series of major block halvings (reached $14 per coin). Most did not and their coins are now worth $1.30 a coin, which is still a fantastic success. These miners are just going to plant their GPU's on Darkcoin forever, to protect their profits ($13,000 to $26,000). This same on many coins, those who did not mine for short-term cash have strong financial reason to mine onwards.
Yeah, so if can stomach these losses for 1 year, I suppose you could mine for 2016, when network GPU hashpower halves?

It's winter in the UK and I'm using my GPU's to heat the house, but I will probably sell my 750 TI's in the summer and buy some LTC. Or, I may go long term on Feathercoin or Vertcoin; just plant the GPU's on them to protect the coins, because their block halvings are 2019