cudaminer.exe -a keccak -r 1 -t 1 -s 1 -l L8x8 -o stratum+tcp://private -u private -p private
I have an nvidia gtx 260 and i have updated my drivers.
It will run for hours and do nothing on the pools!
cgminer is working for me @ 15 Mh/s but i want cudaminer since its proly faster (when it works!)
Also the hash rate is slow as hell
could someone please help me out
Try something like this (I'm just guessing here, I haven't got a GTX260 to mess about with)
cudaminer.exe --algo=keccak -o [pool url] -u [user name.miner name] -p [password] -C 2 -l T[multiple of 192 as high as possible without running out of memory]x[multiple of 4 as high as possible without miner crashing] -L [64?] -i 0
such as:
cudaminer.exe --algo=keccak -o [pool url] -u [user name.miner name] -p [password] -C 2 -l T768x8 L64 -i 0
cudaminer.exe --algo=keccak -o [pool url] -u [user name.miner name] -p [password] -C 2 -l T384x12 L128 -i 0
Just try messing about with those numbers along those lines until you find the highest that work without causing errors or making the hashrate drop