Can an explanation of how this project differs from or is superior to Factom be given, please? As far as I am understanding this project from the information-scarce white paper, Factom has the same utility but also financial backing by not only the federal government but also The Bill and Melinda Gates Project (for which I work as a healthcare administrator). Why do we need another coin that targets "enterprise". What is the value-added from this project?
Thank you in advance for answering these questions - the white paper unfortunately just doesn't answer questions for me. It's also concerning that the positive comments in this thread are the result of people being rewarded with coins for positive spin.
Why do we need another coin? I can only think is competition without it progress would be slow. I dont see any point in comparing the two cos for me it should be survival of the fittest and I prefer buying cheap coins
We "compare" because we want to progress, not regress. Comparing isn't bad. I want to know how something is improved. If this project improves upon something else, then great, I will invest. In the meantime, I don't feel comfortable putting my money or watching other people lose their money in ICOs that immediately sell off by 80-90%.
This is money. People's livelihood. "Crypto" shouldn't be treated like a lottery . People should compare to the past as they make investment decisions (that is how "enterprise" even develops). Why in the world would you invest in something that focuses on database and analysis solutions if you wouldn't be interested in how information from the past can influence decision making?
It seems in the digital currency community that questions are equivalent to descent when they could actually influence quality assurance and improvement enormously. If investors asked more questions, we'd have more projects coming forward that actually have, maintain, and appreciate value! The drop in price today is of no surprise and I anticipate that it will continue to depreciate according to the exact same pattern of recent, similarly vague ICOs for projects the market has no need for.
I am done with Bittrex. This exchange needs to stop hosting scam coins (eBoost, TRIG, SingularDTV, Darcrus, etc.) that quite a few people buy not even realizing the commodity is an ICO rather than an existing coin.