
Topic: [ANN] [DCT] Discount Coin - Permanent Discount - page 2. (Read 12343 times)

hero member
Activity: 532
Merit: 500
Better die on your feet, than live on your knees
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
All payments are made. Good luck to all!!!
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
any news/development for this coin? or is it dead?
the item i bought before in the site until now it didnt arrive
but dev said it will arrive soon its more than 3 weeks now
until i didnt get the item there is no good reason to buy this coin
All look forward to when you get the package (two packages). I too am waiting because I want you to write a review Smiley.
i will definately post it here if it really arrive
if you really send it why not become more active here
and while where waiting continue developing your coin

sr. member
Activity: 378
Merit: 250
exchange ??  Huh
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
any news/development for this coin? or is it dead?
the item i bought before in the site until now it didnt arrive
but dev said it will arrive soon its more than 3 weeks now
until i didnt get the item there is no good reason to buy this coin
All look forward to when you get the package (two packages). I too am waiting because I want you to write a review Smiley.
sr. member
Activity: 302
Merit: 251
Ego Sum Qui Sum
From the doublersite successfully received payments: 1 - 10 days 40% 2 - 30 days 300%
It remains to wait for reviews of the purchases through the store Wink
I look forward to the successful development of the project  Roll Eyes  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 462
Merit: 250
any news/development for this coin? or is it dead?
the item i bought before in the site until now it didnt arrive
but dev said it will arrive soon its more than 3 weeks now
until i didnt get the item there is no good reason to buy this coin
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
All payments are made! We apologize for the delay.
hero member
Activity: 882
Merit: 500
Discount coin? To buy milk?
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1000
anyone received his order here?
full member
Activity: 180
Merit: 101
Good to hear that this project is still kicking!  Wink
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
Still pay 1000 DCT everyone who finds one thousandth block.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
There were problems with the server. Fixed.
full member
Activity: 255
Merit: 100
Am I EVIL? Yes I am
Faucet working fine right now  Wink

Yes it does, very excellent  Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 302
Merit: 251
Ego Sum Qui Sum
how many dicks-counted on this?
except you - no one  Wink Grin
Activity: 69
Merit: 10
Floccinaucinihilipilification Specialist
how many dicks-counted on this?
sr. member
Activity: 302
Merit: 251
Ego Sum Qui Sum
Faucet working fine right now  Wink
full member
Activity: 255
Merit: 100
Am I EVIL? Yes I am
The faucet does not work when trying to cash out  Undecided

I see:
An error has occured - Unable to connect to http://kzJBi:[email protected]:15632/
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
today they send me the tracking number but its page not found
so everyone as long as i dont receive the item or dev didnt explain anything about the shop dont ever buy DCT

Was it shipped by USPS?  USPS tracking numbers starts with a 9 and it usually takes about 24 hours to get tracking information.  
if you look in their doublersite there are some pending coins now
they cant even pay by their own coin i dont think they will ship it
luckily i just bought around 8k of it just to try
this coin is totally a scam do not attempt to buy it

Judging by the amount of the order, I realized what kind of order. We sent you a link where you can see the tracks. Wait for the arrival of your order. We have fulfilled their part of the contract.
full member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Smiley Dev Last Active:October 31, 2015, 02:00:16 PM....

DCT DEATH!!! Undecided Undecided Undecided

Sounds pretty normal
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