Hello to everyone! I just got in this incredible project, I almost completed every step to get access to the DeepOnion airdrop, the only thing missing is reaching the member rank. During this steps I've encountered a little problem, I just changed computer today and I created a new wallet on the new computer the thing is I wanted to change my wallet address on my DeepOnion account but I don't see how I can change it. I would be really grateful if somebody could help me with this issue if actually it can be done...
Thanks in advance!!!!
Just get the private key of your wallet, which you should always back up, and then import it to the new computer.
Just go to debug windows, cliick on cosole then type dumpprivkey/importprivkey "Your Private Key". Dump from the old computer import in the new one.
Can u give more details about how to restore from a privkey ?
Actually i tested this, and import privkey on new wallet ...
I see my imported ONION address in new wallet but i simply cant reach ONION on it ... I test a lot of thing i just finished on a wall, cant reach ONION on it.
I would be cool to have a tutorial on this particular step, how to rebuild and send ONION from a privkey
Dude its the same as in almost every other coin, you should really read more about things you write...
For sure there are a lot of tutorials still available...
Sorry, i like to help newbies but (and i hate it to say) just use your brain and google, is it too much afford?
In your country maybe it feel stupid to ask when u dont know, not in mine ...
Second i already do my owns research maybe i fail on this one, that why i ask here.
Third, this is a helpful and supportive community, your attitude dont really reflect DeepOnion idea at my point of view.
Four, i give a lot of help when i can, i ask when i need, further more "energ" i dont see so much your nickname about helping people, but to crush them another story bro ?
EDIT : i know how wallet work, how import and export wallet, how to dump a key, how to import it. Read question and dont answer for nothing thanks.
I know how to importprivkey, i want more details what we have to do after ?
Do u have tested this one oO ?
So you importprivkey on new wallet, u see your ONION address from imported privkey.
When i do listaccounts, i see 0 balance.
When i do getbalance, i see 0 balance.
I can receive new transaction, but can reach my ONION from import.
Ok, i were rude, sorry...
Its not depending on my country for sure...
Its just anoying that if i want keep in touch with this thread there are so many questions which could be sooooo easily have been done....
I dont crash anyones story, i started from scratch as almost anyone...