- Astonishing look new home pages in a few days (from community)
- Amazing new deepvault video with voiceover (from community)
- New DeepOnion Points sytem for official forums
- Escrow powered Marketplace forums
We prepare above items for our SEM expert. So we can covert better.
All time stats for bitcointalk history
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=159.0;sort=replies;desc (Youngest thread within the top 10)
Together with scam and fud generated posts, deleteds, etc. We are indeed much higher in this list.
Where you want to see crypto-rainbow?
Let's keep up!
We will be completely defeating likes of NXT, Waves, Lisk, Blackcoin, Digibytes soon. All have taken years to reach to that level and we have done it in around 3 months. That is awesome growth. Only Dash will be in competition I believe in a month or two. Dash has taken years to reach to 6500 pages, which I expect given the remarkable growth we have to reach that level within a year.