I would also like the airdrop process to be simple and precise. However I do not see what happens behind the scenes but I do know at early on it was descovered that there was many scammers/multi account holders and more. This is why its necessary to be a member of the official forum so IP checks can be checked.
i dont run DO, I'm not a mod, i have an opinion like everyone else and have to learn the rules, respect the rules, follow the rules. It could not be more simpler than reading, taking part and keeping up to date.
If the current trend continues only a handful of people will sit on most of the Onions at the end.
Also, really, Novaexchange is a crap exchange because it is so unstable.
Get DO on Cryptopia, no need for a bigger exchange than that for now.
It's not going to get on any real exchange with 288 people hand picked by the devs sitting on the entire coin supply, unfortunately.
I understand the point you are all raising here regarding broad distribution, but I am not sure that it is as valid as it once was. Or rather, the more folks that dump their Onions the less valid this argument becomes.
Currently, 2.7 million Onions have been Airdropped. These Onions were shared among 792 bitcointalk accounts or so. Of those 2.7 million Onions approximately 700,000 Onions have been moved from their Airdrop accounts - almost all to be subsequently dumped on the open market (Nova).
So, by my figuring, 36% of the current circulating supply of Onions have been made available at one point to anyone on the planet who cared enough to buy them.
Even without taking those tens of thousands of Onions that have been mined via PoW into account, we are already looking at a very broad distribution base for the first 2.7 million Onions (of the 18 million that will be eventually Airdropped).
They were shared among 288 accounts, not 792.
Either number - even if you're correct, is about 4 orders of magnitude less than ideal.