Logged into the official DO forums this morning and to my surprise yet delight I saw the submit ticket message button. This is much neccessary but good feature that has been added recently. It will give
more time to devs and mods to do their jobs rather than having to look into tons of applications. Also the process is now uniform so it will me much more efficient while hopefully for the end-user gives
explanation as to what they can do to better their application!
You need to be registered before 1 September 2017. But you registered on 5 October 2017. You can't apply airdrop.
I asked on the deeponion forum. Does anyone know if they are going to slide the register date up? It'd be awesome (and make sense) if they raised the register date by a week or two at after every airdrop. I joined on the 14th of Sept.
That does make some sense but I wouldnt hold my breathe on it. After seeing the drop get opened to Sept 1st that was a 2 month jump and I think we will see a similar opening come Nov or Dec. There
is an off chance it gets opened up earlier but I wouldnt count on it. What you can do until then though is openly support Deep Onion here and on the forums. This will likely increase your chance of
getting accepted when the date rolls back farther.