I'm very interested in this project and hope to participate once I've earned the right and demonstrated my value to the community. I've run into a problem though - I can't get the wallet to sync. I've tried everything the FAQs suggest: deleting the appdata, pasting node addresses into a config file, allowing access through my firewall and even turning it off. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm on a Windows 10 laptop with just the Windows Defender firewall and I can connect to TOR normally, so I don't think it's a matter of my service provider blocking it. Are there any ports I could forward? Anything else I can do?
Thanks in advance, and I apologize if this is in the wrong place.
Regarding your confirmation email: try a adress from gmail hotmail or yahoo then you should get the mail within minutes.
Other providers are causing problems as far as i know.