Name : DesertPay
Asset ID : 10172629088724238972
Supply : 100 000
Asset Decimals : 2
Payment frequency : Monthly
Payment Method : Bitcoin
Who we are ?We are two Computing Security students in the Rochester Institute of Technology on their Dubai Campus. I'm in the crypto-world since 2012 and my friend is in it since 2016 ( I convert him to it ).
What do we want to do ?The plan is to create backed asset tied to FIAT currencies such as USD / EUR / CNY on both NXT and WAVES blockchain. We're going to create backed assets for these currencies : USD / EUR / CNY / GBP / CAD and all the currencies from GCC countries such as AED, QAR etc... We have also plans to create tools for people to be able to use their assets when and where they want on different platforms.
Why ?There is multiple reasons to this project. First, i hate bank transfer and it's a pain to transfer FIAT currencies from one exchange to an another. It's hard or impossible for people without bank account to withdraw ( or deposit ) FIAT currencies to or from an exchange platform. And paying online with FIAT currencies is currently annoying and unsecured.
How many BTC do you need to raise ?We need to raise a minimum of 35 BTC, but our objective is 50 BTC. The project will start as soon as we get 35 BTC. So no more than 50 assets will be distributed for now. If we received more money we will just send it back.
FAQ :Q: Why do you want to raise 50 BTC ?
A: We want to raise 50 BTC to be able to create the company and pay all the charges for at least 2 years. Actually 35 BTC will be enough, but there are a lot of hidden fees and we want to have a small reserve to be able to expend our services, and/or promote it.
Q: How do i proceed to invest in your company ?
A: The asset will be created on the NXT blockchain but you will be able to send it to the WAVES blockchain when it will be released. To invest and get assets on the NXT blockchain you will have to send superBTC assets to this NXT account :
NXT-5AHM-NAZL-ZF9L-DMZPR and you will received assets back ( 1 asset = 1 BTC |
Minimum to invest is 0.01 BTC ). If you prefer to hold the assets on the WAVES blockchain, you will be able to invest directly by sending a BTC payment to this address :
1HECJaEtZQFpvEg1TNWvdEwnVNV8tVwum5 we will request a sign message from your BTC address when the WAVES blockchain will be released.
So do NOT send BTC directly from an exchange.
Q: If i invest in your company, what will i received in exchange ?
A: By investing in our company you will receive 5% of the monthly net revenue of DesertPay.
Q: What if your company have to close ?
A: If we have to stop our business, we will buy back all assets with all the money that left.
Q: What is your company logo ?
A: We don't have one yet. And we will launch a contest so people will be able to submit their own.
Q: How can we trust you ?
A: Is it possible to meet you ?
A: If you are in Dubai yes of course. But it will have to be in Dubai Mall, in Silicon Oasis or during a meetup (
here )
Q: What will i be able to do with my backed assets ?
A: You will be able to do what you want with it. We have some plans and discussions going on so you will be able to trade and buy things with your assets.
Q: How does your business will make money ?
A: We will make money on deposit or withdraw of FIAT currencies, exchange between them, and transfer from one blockchain to another ( transfer your € from the NXT blockchain to the WAVES blockchain for example )
Q: Do you have any competitors ?
A: Not really. There is Bitoasis as the only Bitcoin exchange in UAE and the GCC but since we will not buy or sell Bitcoin but only deal with FIAT currencies, they are not really our competitors.
Q: To who your product will be useful ?
A: It will be useful for the 2.2 Billions unbanked people in the world. We will focusing at first on the MENA region but we have plan to grow to Africa ASAP.
Q: You say before that you are 2 Computing Security students, but how many employees will it be ?
A: There will be only us at first, since we are students and that we will live with our parents, we can afford to not pay any salaries to us during the first months.
Q: Will you sell more shares in the future ?
A: We have no plans on doing it right now, but it's a possibility.
Q: Are you going to send 5% monthly forever ?
A: We will send them for at least 1 year and we will buy back shares.
Useful links :- DesertPay website : Here.
- Twitter : Here.