Instead of solutions and answers i get more problems and more questions.
By the way my account in Bitcointalk has been compromised and as well in Bittrex.
Somebody has targeted me for my Diode coins and sold all my Diode coins today at 9 am Est.
Proof bellow, the reason for the ridiculous trading that took place today and the high volume created on Bittrex, the staff from Bittrex is refusing to rectify the problem.
Email conversation between I and Bittrex bellow:
Jan 25, 09:38
My account has been compromised, and i suspect somebody from your staff has sold all my DIO coins at 9 am for a ridiculous price after which he continued to buy at high prices and then continued over and over again doing the same transactions, causing my account to drop significantly from 1 BTC to 0.22BTC. i need you to look into who were the coins sold too and who were they bought from.
Jan 25, 09:49
Please rectify the problem and reverse the transactions, i had over 500K DIO coins that i would have never sold at that price, only you can possibly know who they were sold to and bought back from at a much higher price.
Bittrex DIO 1.PNG
Bittrex DIO2.PNG
Ryan Hentz (Bittrex)
Jan 25, 10:44
All transactions are final, we cannot reverse transactions. Whoever they were sold to now owns the coins as those buy orders were there and whoever has access to your account sold them.
Thank you,
horia cretan
1:52 PM (1 hour ago)
to Bittrex
Nobody has access to my account, i cannot believe that Bittrex would not help me in this matter, i would not make such ridiculous transactions, i am in shock by your statement and decision.
I have been nothing but loyal to Bittrex as a customer, i would expect a lot more from you.
You can clearly see the transactions that took place are in fact suspicious and most likely are sold to the same Bittrex customer over and over again, how can you establish yourself as a trust worthy entity, when it's obvious of the fraud that just took place only 2 hours ago.
Please look into the matter and rectify it, i cannot stand easy about this loss and wrong doing.
horia cretan
3:20 PM (2 hours ago)
to Bittrex
You have also to take in consideration that these transactions are unreal, i would not sell at 121 sat and buy back at 300 sat and above.
You also can see who they sold my coins to and whom they also bought back from..
I for now only suspect inside workers as my computer is fine and suffered no intrusions, i live alone, and was not even home during that time.
There you have it. Bittrex the scumbags.
This is the email from the person that allegedly stole my 520,000 Diode coins [email protected]
Once i google the email address this is what i get
"C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\vbc.exe" -o http://[email protected]:[email protected]:8332 -t 4 -T 83 -g yes -I 4
Now you know that the price for DIO on Bittrex is manipulated, as nobody can withdraw their coins and the person that stole from me controls most of the float left on Bittrex.
The attack could have easily come from the Diode DEV himself, as i contacted his twitter account and asked him to make an appearance on this board.