Got myself a couple of blocks of DMD to test staking over two weeks ago. Both blocks are 118 coin blocks.
Neither has staked yet and I am running 24/7. Cant say I am impressed.
network goal of average time to mint is between 14-35 days
if it mint later that doesnt matter u get more rewards when u mint if coins are older
we have a flat POS reward system that mean coin-age will be converted into rewards
no matter how old ur coins are u dont lose POS rewards
in the first weeks after change of POS times minting happened a bit faster
because netweok needed to fill with more coin pile to adapt to the 6x fast POS block production
now network is saturated with blocks and minting times are as they should be
high min POS times are a major security gain
u cant compare DMD with coins that have min POS times of a day or even below as so many coins now use 2 hours....
i wonder if that coin devs ever analyzed what a high difference between min age and max age mean for security and possible attacks
the chance a lot max age coins can mint blocks in a row increase by the factor
maxage:minage (high number is bad values between 10 and 2 are in ideal range for security reasons)
even if DMD Diamonds hybrid POW/POS make it resistant against POS attacks
we still selected a good maxage:minage ratio (30:9=3.33)
please understand minage maxage have no inpact on POW rewards it have only impact on POS weight (chances to mint....)
up to max age the chances to mint increase each day