These mesages are almost harmless in that you are not losing any coins, but it might happen you may be unable to send sometimes, when the sender tries to pick up coins tied to these transactions.
tail -f debug.log
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
connection timeout
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
ERROR: mempool transaction missing input
Wallet didnt like something going on in the blockchain
Will take a day or so to fix