I can run GPUs in the other PCIE slots with no problems. But this one slot seems to be a bit finicky.
I am running Windows 7 64 bit and the AMD 14.9.1 beta driver package. Some problems with 13.12 driver package.
I know this is a long shot but I am hoping there is a trick to getting this to work and someone out there know it.
P.S. Its not the power supply. I have two power supplies connected using the ADD2PSU module for a total of 1400 watts - way more than I need for 4 R9 290s. I tested both PSUs and they are fine.
u run powered riser cables? did ya try switch riser cable between slots to find out if the cable is the problem?
i had on my 6x 280 one card too which got faulty from time to time it was the card not the slot
and on a 3x 750ti mini rig i had troubles with a riser cable after change it problems solved