I had lots of DMD in my wallet for months, a month ago I transferred them to cryptsy and then moved them back to my wallet.
Will I be able to get pos coins for the time BEFORE the transfer?
the short answer:
any transaction set coin-age of the involved coin pile to to zero
the long and confusing answer:
u have to think of your wallet as a tresor with a lot of little pile of coins inside
when u receive a transaction than a new little pile is put into ur tresor
this little pile have a coin-age of zero
when u send away coins than ur tresor take the youngest pile and remove the amount of coins u want to send
BUT the coin-age is set to zero for all coins in that little pile
thats the reason why people developed coin control so u can select from which little pilet u want to use the coins
the basic logic isnt optimal by automatic selecting the youngest pile because this could also be a pile with 10000 coins and age 7 days
but thats still lot more coin-age than a pile with 10 dmd age 30 days
ok basical i overanswered ur question sorry
our POS code try to counter the risc of losing coin-age by split big coin pile into smaller part when u successfull mint between 7-30 days coin-age
if u mint above 30 days coinage pile is not split but instead if u have multiple small pile they group together (up to 100 DMD) and increase the chance to recieve a POS reward
in one of the next wallet releases we will also add coin control maybe even in a advanced version (what other coins have now as coin control is very basic and required the user to choose the pile he wana use)