when trying to send coins with my 2.0.1 wallet i get the error that the coins i want to send exceed my balance , however they dont , how do i fix that ?
well i have 29 and cant send a single one , also im not able to type anything in the wallet and have to paste everything
Do you have any reservebalnce setting? Diamond.conf file in the folder where wallet.dat is? What is in there - don't post passwords please
What wallet software you use? From where it came, etc? You may have some problem with the wallet. The safest option is to backup your wallet.dat file somewhere safe, remove everything, reinstall, resync and copy it back (the start the wallet again).
Just for information:
Network fee is proportional to the size of the transaction you create. If your wallet contains many small denominations (a typical solo miner's would contain many 1 DMD amounts), when sending larger amount, it has to recombine all those in a single transaction. The minimum fee is 0.001 DMD. For each 1kb, it is increased with that much. Sending 100 amounts (or 100 DMD if your wallet has 1 DMD "coins") results in about 0.012 DMD in fees. It is unlikely you will have lots of smaller than 1 DMD amounts, unless you do a lot of transactions and create "change" (which is one of those 1 DMD minus the fees). Change is first used for fees, though.
These things might change in future, but this is how the current (and the one before, etc) wallet works.