taking anywhere between TWO to EIGHTY Hours.. =)
An extra special thanks to x_slacks and ME, for implementing the changes in
the updated wallet versions. ALOT HAS CHANGED, so FUCK YOU IF YOU ARE NOT IMPRESSED.
As you know, DobbsCoin began as a private release COINGEN MESS,
which was commissioned as a kids first computer sciences class project,
because using BITCOIN source would have been fucking boring.
It was not meant to be released into the wild. I had other plans tho..
Much to his surprise when BitCoin Bob returned from class the day after,
to find it listed on com.http.us.
For more info on the backstory, please visit dobbscoin.info - moving on.
- Now running with a customized KGW we're calling "Bobs Wormhole"
- "Bobs Wormhole" Tuned for a 10 minute block target.
- Faster reacting and hopefully more resistant to multi-pools.
- Several fixes for known KGW issues (redonkulogging error & timeworp fix)
- OpenSSL has been upgraded to 1.0.1g, just to be safe - even tho the Bitcoin source
we're based on was not vulnerable to The Conspiracy's HeartBleed backdoor. - A complete rework of the IMAGE & ICON set, cos that's super important for a
crypto-currency paying homage to a Texas UFO Death Cult. All sorts'a wicked,
bad ass shit that no one else's doing.. like spinning dobbsheads - A slew of Pipes
and other wonderfully entertaining gimcracks. - Hardcoded seed/test-net node info, so no more pinks cry'n for .conf assistance.
It's still Intentionally WORTHLESS..
But come X-Day, if you aren't holding a bag of BOBz - You WILL BE SORRY..
GITHUB: https://github.com/dobbscoin/dobbscoin-source/releases/tag/v0.8.6.1
Feel FREE to help yourself out to some FREE SLACK: http://faucet.dobbscoin.info
It's US versus THEM.
Are you gonna FRY in HELL ON EARTH... alongside the PINK BOYS...
Or will you pull the wool over your OWN eyes...
and ACCEPT "BOB" into your mind?
MINING POOL: http://pool.slackprojects.org