Dpowcore - DualpowcoinWhat is this ? Another Altcoin ? Maybe but read next.
This is experemtal coin with dual pow , dual Pro of Work - not multi Prof of Work!
For each block, 2 proofs of work were used - first we verify the block with the first POW - Yespower, then we verify the same block in 2 rounds of SHA512 as salt and 2 rounds of Argond2id, and the block is valid if it passes both proofs of work
static bool CheckBlockHeader(const CBlockHeader& block, BlockValidationState& state, const Consensus::Params& consensusParams, bool fCheckPOW = true)
// Check proof of work's matches claimed amount (dual pow logic)
bool powResult1 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetYespowerPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
bool powResult2 = fCheckPOW ? CheckProofOfWork(block.GetArgon2idPoWHash(), block.nBits, consensusParams) : true;
// Checking if both POW's are valid
if (!powResult1 || !powResult2) {
return state.Invalid(BlockValidationResult::BLOCK_INVALID_HEADER, "high-hash", "proof of work's failed");
return true;
Get PoW Logic/* Yespower */
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash() const
static const yespower_params_t yespower_1_0_dpowcoin = {
.version = YESPOWER_1_0,
.N = 2048,
.r = 8,
.pers = (const uint8_t *)"One POW? Why not two? 17/04/2024",
.perslen = 32
uint256 hash;
ss << *this;
if (yespower_tls((const uint8_t *)&ss[0], ss.size(), &yespower_1_0_dpowcoin, (yespower_binary_t *)&hash)) {
tfm::format(std::cerr, "Error: CBlockHeader::GetYespowerPoWHash(): failed to compute PoW hash (out of memory?)\n");
return hash;
// CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() instance
// -> Serialize Block Header using CDataStream
// -> Compute SHA-512 hash of serialized data (Two Rounds)
// -> Use the computed hash as the salt for argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round using the serialized data as password and SHA-512 hash as salt
// -> Use the hash obtained from the first round as the salt for the second round
// -> Call argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round using the serialized data as password and the hash from the first round as salt
// -> Return the hash computed in the second round (hash2)
uint256 CBlockHeader::GetArgon2idPoWHash() const
uint256 hash;
uint256 hash2;
ss << *this;
// Hashing the data using SHA-512 (two rounds)
std::vector salt_sha512(CSHA512::OUTPUT_SIZE);
CSHA512 sha512;
sha512.Write((unsigned char*)&ss[0], ss.size()).Finalize(salt_sha512.data());
sha512.Reset().Write(salt_sha512.data(), salt_sha512.size()).Finalize(salt_sha512.data());
// Preparing data for hashing
const void* pwd = &ss[0];
size_t pwdlen = ss.size();
const void* salt = salt_sha512.data();
size_t saltlen = salt_sha512.size();
// Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the first round
int rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 4096, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash, 32);
if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the first round\n");
// Using the hash from the first round as the salt for the second round
salt = &hash;
saltlen = 32;
// Calling the argon2id_hash_raw function for the second round
rc = argon2id_hash_raw(2, 32768, 2, pwd, pwdlen, salt, saltlen, &hash2, 32);
if (rc != ARGON2_OK) {
printf("Error: Failed to compute Argon2id hash for the second round\n");
// Return the result of the second round of Argon2id
return hash2;
As example for Light SPV wallets can be used only one of that POWS for verify ( sha512+argon2id best in that cases as libs available almost at all plaforms)How much Premine have ? the first 3 blocks with a 50 reward for creating a checkpoint after force BIP's activations . (so there is no premine, no development fee, no delayed mining or whatever they like to call it)
Miners can simple donate some part of mined coins to dev's if they want - you can find donate addreses at website.Source codehttps://github.com/dpowcore-project/dpowcoinReleases precompled wallets for all platforms.https://github.com/dpowcore-project/dpowcoin/releaseshttps://dpowcore.org/en/download/Websitehttps://dpowcore.orgDisscordhttps://discord.gg/b9zkzAgUpHTelegram for discusionshttps://t.me/dpowcoinTelegram devshttps://t.me/dpowcoreTelegram news channelhttps://t.me/dpowcoinnewsTwitterhttps://twitter.com/dpowcoinExplorerhttps://explorer.dpowcore.orgExhangershttps://exbitron.com/trade?market=dpc-usdtDesctriptionBased at Bitcoin 26.1 final stable release.
Coin Name Dpowcoin
Short Name DPC
Block Time 5m or 300s
Diff Retargeting LWMA3 with N 576
Reward 50 coins
Subsidy Halving Interval Every 420 000 blocks
Proof Type Dual POW ( not multi pow!)
Algo Dual POW - by Yespower and Argon2id 0x13 + SHA512
POW check like at LTC Using sha256d in headers indexing
Legacy Address Prefix P - 55 - 0x37
P2SH-SegWit Address Prefix C - 28 - 0x1c
Bech32-SegWit Prefix dpc1
Default p2p port 42003
Default rpc port 42002
powLimit 001fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
BIPs activated Block 2
Network Magic 0xf29f4afb
bip324 Salt dpowcoin_v2_shared_secret
MAX SUPPLY 42 000 000
Pre Mine None if not count 3 blocks for activate "BIP" rules.
Dev Fees None
How to mine ?
go to debug console and put command
generatetoaddress nblocks "address" ( maxtries )
Example for infine try
generatetoaddress 10000 "Myaddress" -1
nblocks must be positive value , sorry.
The project was largely created in response to the increasing spam of sha256 coins and a scrypt with abnormal premine.
IMPORTANT !We do not use "delayed POW" technology and are not related to komodo projects! We use double PoW or Dual POW!